No big 'gain?

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Snape grabbed the bottle of milk and moved Harry into a rocking position. He brought the milk up to Harry's mouth and gently pushed it in. At first, Harry pushed back, but then he sucked slowly one time. He did it again. Then again. And then he was sucking away happily and lazily. Harry closed his eyes and continued to suck. Severus smiled, how could he have ever hated such a cute and adorable boy! 

In no time at all, the milk was gone. Harry continued to suck and would not let go of the bottle when Snape began pulling it out of his mouth. Harry whimpered and tried to pull it back in but Snape won and managed to get it away from Harry. 

"Harry, why don't you suck on a dummy. It's almost the same, it just doesn't have any milk in it," Severus said gently. He dug through the bag of groceries that he had bought and pulled out a dummy. He pressed it into Harry's mouth. Harry began to suck on it, but he glared as he did because he really wanted more milk. Suddenly Harry began to blink several times. What was he doing?! He was being held by his professor as a seventeen year old trapped in a two year old's body, thinking a little like a two year old, and sucking on a dummy! He was even wearing a nappy and onsie! Harry jumped out of Snape's arms and stood up slowly.

"Nape, I goin'. I too big for baby stuff," Harry said. He desperately wished that he didn't talk like a baby, it made him seem so much smaller than he was!

"Sorry, daddy, I can't stay. I need go back!" And with that, Harry began to walk towards the door very awkwardly, as his nappy was still very uncomfortable. Severus watched with raised eyebrows as Harry attempted to reach the doorknob. He barely brushed it with his fingertips. 

"Open the door, daddy," Harry said as much of a big boy as he could muster.

"Okay, but first you have to take off your clothes and nappy. After all, I paid for it," Snape said smugly. Harry kicked his foot and looked down.

"Fine, I stay. But I not wear this!" And Harry reached down, unclipped his onsie, and pulled off his nappie. Or, he attempted to. 

"Daddy, it not coming off," Harry said with a cute little pouty face. Snape nodded.

"I know. I put a spell on it so only I can take it off. Or anybody I give permission. And I didn't give you any." Harry pouted and stomped towards Snape. 

"I want be big boy! I not big with a nappy on! Let it off! P'ease." Snape looked at the pitiful child who had once been his student. 

"I'm sorry, Harry. You're just not big anymore. I can't trust that you won't wet yourself if you take the nappy off. You must see things the way I see things," Severus urged. Harry kicked his feet again. Suddenly he looked up with a smile on his face.

"Daddy, you can make me big 'gain!" Harry exclaimed. Snape shook his head sadly.

"Sorry Harry. I can't. I don't know what kind of potion he made so I can't fix it. Look, I know this is hard for you. One second you're a big boy, the next you're small. I also know that it's scary. But I really need you to trust me. Can you do that?" Snape asked as he knelt down to Harry's height. Harry looked at him, his eyes sparkly with tears.

"Yes, daddy," Harry whispered. Snape smiled and led him up to his room. He showed Harry a surprise which made Harry squeal with delight.

"It a rocking hose!" Harry squealed.

"Yep, a rocking horse! And it's all yours. If you lay down then I will let you rock on it tomorrow. Got it?" Harry nodded eagerly.

"Yes daddy, I gots it!" Snape then picked Harry up and lay him in the crib he had bought. He tucked Harry in and did something he thought he would never do it. He kissed the boy who lived good night.

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