Harry's Birthday

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"Surprise!" daddy exclaimed as he swung open the door to Harry's room. Harry sat up in his crib and rubbed his eyes sleepily before looking up at daddy.

"Daddy, did you t'y to scare me?" Harry asked as he stood up and held up his arms to signal that he wanted up. Daddy came over and picked Harry up, sitting down in the rocking chair.

"No. silly boy. It's your birthday," daddy explained gently. Harry gazed up at him. He had completely forgotten about his birthday!

"What are we gonna do today?" Harry asked excitedly, his eyes widening with amazement and delight. Daddy tickled Harry's tummy before answering, chuckling as Harry squirmed and laughed.

"I invited some of your friends and we are going to have a celebration," daddy replied.

"'Eally?" Harry exclaimed. Daddy nodded, a big smile on his face. 

"Who, daddy?" Harry asked.

"You'll see," daddy said mysteriously as he stood up, Harry safely in his arms, and went out to the living room. He set Harry down on the floor and Harry gasped. Sitting in the room was Neville, Ron, Hermione, Mrs. and Mr. Weasley along with Charlie and Bill, Grandma Minnie, Ginny, Remus Lupin, and Luna. Harry felt tears of happiness spring his eyes as he walked over and graciously greeted each of his guests who had come just for him! 

"Happy birthday, Harry!" they each exclaimed. Harry looked up at daddy and grinned. He ran over and gave daddy the biggest hug he could muster before bursting into tears. Harry began to furiously wipe at his face as each of his guests cooed at him.

"Aw, why are you crying?" Daddy asked calmly as he cupped Harry's cheek and wiped a few of the tears off with his thumb.

"Cebause you did all of dis just for me and no one's ever done that for me!" Harry exclaimed as he sobbed into daddy's black robes. He reminded himself of Dobby when he had first met him. Poor Dobby. Harry cried even harder at the memory of his old friend.

"Hush," daddy whispered as he picked him up. Everybody kindly waited until Harry had stopped crying before moving on to the first activity.

"So first I thought we should play a game, Harry. And you get to pick which one," daddy said as he set Harry back down on the floor. Harry thought about it carefully. His eyes lit up as he thought of a game, the bestest game in the whole wide world!

"How 'bout tag!" Harry suggested excitedly. He lunged for the closest guest who happened to be Ginny. She shrieked out of surprise and quickly tried to tag him back. Harry screamed and scurried off into the other room, everybody running from Ginny. Harry crouched down next to the trash can in the kitchen. He wrinkled his nose at the smell. Suddenly he heard footsteps approaching. Harry began silently giggling. He had to keep still. Suddenly, Charlie stuck his head behind the trash can and Harry jumped up and ran the other way. He found bill hiding behind a curtain in the dining room and quickly hid with him.

"Hi, Harry," Bill said. Harry nodded shyly at him in greeting. the curtains suddenly whisked open to reveal Charlie. Harry screamed and ran away.

"You're it!" he heard Charlie tell Bill. Harry found daddy hiding behind the couch and hid with him this time. 

"Hiya, daddy!" Harry exclaimed in a whisper. Daddy held up his finger to his lips to signal Harry to be quiet as they heard Bill enter the room. He heard Ron yell out.

"Yep, I got you!" Bill exclaimed to him. There was the sound of running as Bill must've been running out of the room as Ron chased him. 

"Daddy, don't leave," Harry begged as Daddy got up to go hide somewhere else.

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