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Piya's POV

As I walked into the hospital and was heading towards the elevator while checking my messages in my phone, I felt various pairs of eyes on me. I looked up and saw that half of the staff that was present in the lobby was looking at me and I felt as if some of them were talking about me.I quickly checked my appearance in my phone to see whether I have something on my face and I looked down and checked my dress to make sure I wasn't flashing anyone.

Everything was normal then why the heck were these people staring at me?
I ignored them and stepped into the elevator and then proceeded into my office.
I found Misha already waiting for me inside. I said,"You know the most weird thing happened just now. I was walking through the lobby and almost half the people were looking at me. I checked to see if something was wrong with my face or my dress but everything was perfect. I don't know what's their deal anyway!"
"I know why they were looking at you like that.", she said.
"You know? Tell me then!"
"Umm... Well apparently some one from the hospital saw you coming out of Mr. Hotshot's apartment building along with him in the wee hours of the morning today and when Mr. Hotshot walked you to your car, he grabbed you and kissed you passionately on the lips and slapped your butt while you were getting into your car."
I stared at her dumbfounded.
"Their words not mine!", She said.
"I bet it's none other than Mrs.Baker. The old hag loves to gossip about anything and everything!" ,I said.
Mrs. Baker was a nurse and was working in this hospital for the last 25 years or so. But she was the worst kind of gossipmonger. If she got her hands on any kind of juicy gossip the whole hospital will be knowing it in the next few hours.
"I know right! Even I think it was her. What are you gonna do now?"

"I was afraid that something like this would happen. Have you seen Abhay? Has he arrived yet? I gotta talk to him."

"I have no idea. I came to the hospital and came to know about this and I rushed to your office to tell you about it!"

I called Abhay and told him to meet me in my office in 10 mins.
Misha had an appointment scheduled so she had to leave.
After 5 mins there was a knock on the door and Abhay stormed inside the room, locking the door on his way in.

Before I could get up and go to him, he came to me and without any warning picked me up bridal style and deposited me on my desk and started kissing me hungrily.
I kissed back and when we stopped to catch our breath, I said," What was that for?"

"Well...this was a booty call wasn't it?"
"No! I want to discuss something important."
"Oh! I thought you wanted to have a quickie. Well shoot."

I told him about everything that happened and about the gossip. He had an unreadable expression on his face.

" Say something Abhay! What are we gonna do now?"

He looked into my eyes and said," Now there is only one way out of this."


It was 8pm and our shift was about to end. Misha walked into my office, ready to leave.

"Hey, everyone is heading down to the bar, let's join them. Mr. Hotshot is waiting for you in the lobby!", she said and winked at me.

"Okay. Let me collect my stuff and I am good to go."

We entered the lobby and I spotted Abhay standing near the entrance waiting for me. Even after 12 hours of hectic schedules he still looked as edible as he did in the morning when he arrived.
He smiled when he saw me coming and my heart just skipped a beat.
"Hey gorgeous! How was your day?"
"Oh! It was very -"
"Oh hi Piya! Didn't see you there, I was talking to Misha actually."
"Abhay! You're such an ass!", I smacked him on his head.
He chuckled and put his arm around my shoulder and said," Relax sexy, I was kidding. How was your day?"
"Ok I guess. Busy as usual. How was yours?"
"Same as yours. Busy af and what about you Mish?"
"Mine was alright!"

We reached the parking lot and Abhay  told me to leave my car here and asked me to come in his car. I went in his car and Misha came in hers.
When we arrived at the bar, everybody were already mingling and had something to drink.

Abhay called everybody over, "Listen here everyone. We have an important announcement to make!" and grabbed my hand in his.

When everybody gathered over, he dropped the bombshell. "Well, now that everybody is here, I would like to announce that Piya and I are a couple. We were seeing each other for a while now and last night I asked her to be my girlfriend. So now we are officially a couple."

After that there was dead silence in the group for a couple minutes after which we got a big round of applause and everybody started cheering and congratulating.

Abhay pulled me closer and whispered," They like to gossip right? Let's give them a show!"

And he grabbed me and covered my mouth with his. I felt his tongue enter my mouth and then he suddenly dipped me low, my hair almost touching the ground. I always wanted to be kissed like this. And to be kissed like this by Abhay  in front of everyone was like a dream come true! I was on cloud nine! I could hear wolf whistles in the background. I felt as if we were married just now and this was the ' You may now kiss the bride' moment.

We straightened and broke the kiss. After some time everybody went back to their mingling and me and Abhay were having a drink with Misha and Kabir. Kabir was going to join us today and he showed up when Abhay was kissing me dramatically.

"That was quite a show you guys put on earlier!", said Misha.
Abhay chuckled and said," Thank you for the compliment Mish!"

"So let me just clear my doubt. You did really ask Piya to be your girlfriend right dude?", was Kabir's question which came outta nowhere

"Umm...No. Of course I didn't."
"Oh. Ok"

Misha saved me from this awkward situation by taking Kabir to the dance floor, saying she wanted to dance.

Me and Abhay were by ourselves for sometime, after which he asked," Well....may I have this dance my lady?"

"You may!", I said and he whisked me off to the dance floor.

On reaching the dance floor, he turned me around so that my back was flush with his front and ran his hands along my sides feeling my every curve and settled them on my hips. We both started dancing - more like grinding - on each other.
He made me feel sexy and beautiful. I knew he wanted me right now and the feeling which I get by knowing that this Greek god of a man wants me as much as I want him is amazing and will never get old.

After some time he pulled my hair aside and bit my earlobe making heat curl low in my belly and whispered in my ear, " Let's get out of here."

As soon as I nodded, he grabbed my hand and stormed out of the bar.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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