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Piya's POV

I woke up to find myself alone in a strange bed. Then I remembered last night's events and blushed. My blush was soon replaced by a frown when I realised that Abhay was not there beside me. Just then my eyes fell on a post-it note on the  bedside table. It was from Abhay and read:

Hey babe! Last night was amazing. I wanted to continue this morning too but unfortunately I got paged around 7am so had to leave for the hospital. I will be back in a couple hours. Maybe by the time you wake up I will be home but if i am not then make breakfast for me because I will be heading straight home after work. Oh and I have to talk to you about something after what we did last night. Don't miss me too much!

Your sexy surgeon.😘

I was grinning from ear to ear! He mentioned that he wanted to talk to me about something after what we did last night. Maybe he will ask me to be his girlfriend! I am so happy!! I dragged myself out of bed and slipped his shirt on which was lying on the floor. After brushing my teeth I walked into the kitchen to make some breakfast for us. The breakfast was almost done when I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist from behind and a kiss on my neck and then his voice filled my ears. "Hmm...smells really good in here what are you making baby?" I giggled " I have made chocolate chip pancakes with chocolate sauce." He moaned," Oh yeah my favourite! Thank you baby!" I turned in his arms and kissed him. He deepened the kiss and then pulled away after sometime. We had breakfast and were lounging in the living room when I remembered something," Hey you mentioned in your note earlier that you wanted to talk to me about something related to last night." He looked at me and said," Umm yeah I did. I wanted to tell you that I had an amazing time last night and I would like to do it again." I was confused. I didn't get what he was trying to say. If we are in a relationship then of course we would do it again! Why does it sound like he means something else? " I don't understand what you are trying to say." He sighed," Look last night was amazing and what I wanna say is that we should do this more often." I still didn't get what he was hinting at. " Of course we would do this more often because people in relationship do it all the time!"  Now it was his turn to look confused. " Woah! Who said anything about relationship? Last night whatever happened doesn't change anything between us! We are not in any relationship just because we had sex! We are still only friends and I was just saying that I want us to be friends with benefits." I was shocked. Here I was thinking that he would ask me to be his girlfriend and he wants us to be friends with benefits!! It took a while to process what he just said. " Well don't look so shocked. You and I both know the sex we had was mind blowing. I am just making a proposition to you. Look we will still be friends and we will also get to have sex with each other! Think about it. It's a win-win!"
"But why can't we have a relationship like normal people do? Why this proposition and all?" He looked me in the eye and said," Because I don't do relationships." " But why?" " Because there is no use. I mean I am going to marry the girl my mom tells me to so what's the use of having a relationship and giving false hopes to the girl only to break her heart and walk away in the end?"
" But why do you have to marry the girl your mum chooses for you? It is 21st century you are not obligated to marry the girl your parents want you to marry!"
" I know I don't have to but I want to. I have always been the black sheep of the family. My siblings have always behaved and did  whatever our parents told them to do. But I didn't. Dad wanted me to join the company and replace him as the CEO but I wanted to become a doctor so I did against his wishes. Mom wanted me to stay with them in India and practice there but I wanted to come here so I did against her wishes. I have disappointed both of them by always going against their wishes but not this time. For once I don't want to disappoint them. That's why I will marry the girl my parents want me to."
"Even if you don't love her?"
"I will learn to love her. And you never know maybe she would turn out to be the love of my life!"
"But if we do this 'friends with benefits' thing and eventually fall for each other then what would happen?"
" First of all that won't happen because I won't fall in love. No offense to you but my heart is not available so falling in love is out of question. Secondly if you fall in love with me sometime down the line then we will end this arrangement."
" And if we fall in love with someone else?"
"Again out of question for me but if you do fall in love with someone else then you tell me and we will end this arrangement."
Falling in love with someone else was out of question for me too but I nodded.
He raised he eyebrows and said," So are you up for it? Do you want to do this?"
I sighed," I....I need time to think."
" Ok fair enough take your time. But how long do you need?"
" Until tonight?"
He nodded," Alright."
"If I show up here at your place tonight then it's a Yes and if I don't show up then understand that it's a No. Okay?"
"Alright. Just keep in mind that you can come anytime because I will be awake. Even if it's very late at night yeah?"
I nodded and got off the couch. "Where are you going?" "I am going back to my place. I am tired and want to stay in bed the whole day today" I lied. Actually I wanted to think about everything that he said and I wanted some time alone to do that. He nodded and said," I will drop you off at your place."
I shook my head. "No actually I drove here last night so I you don't have to drop me. I have my car."
"Okay then let me walk you down."
I nodded and then we left together out of the penthouse. He walked me to my car and when I was about to open the car door he pulled me into his arms and kissed me. I kissed back but not like I usually do with passion because I was still reeling from our conversation back in his condo. I did not want him to feel rejected that's why I kissed him back. I pulled away and then slid into my car. I waved at him and drove away quickly.

I reached home took a much needed soak in the bathtub and then after slipping into my comfy pajamas slid onto my bed between the warm sheets. My mind again drifted to our conversation. Can I do this? Can I let him make love to me every night and not fall in love with him? Oh well who am I kidding I am already in love with him!! Sleeping with him every night is just gonna make matters worse. How much ever I want to do him every night, can my heart take it? And what happens when his mom chooses a girl for him? He will surely end this thing between us. And where would that leave me? I will be heartbroken.
I lay in my bed for hours pondering on the current situation I am in. Then a thought struck me. He says his heart is not available and that he will not fall in love with me. But love is unpredictable. It can happen anytime! He cannot decide when he would fall in love right? I mean even if he chooses not to fall in love, he cannot control his heart. Maybe just maybe if I agree to this arrangement then eventually there is a possibility of him falling in love with me! I would make him fall in love with me. I believe that one day he would love me just the way I love him!

I had made my decision. I locked the door behind me as I headed down to the parking lot to take my car and drive down to his place to tell him my decision.

 I locked the door behind me as I headed down to the parking lot to take my car and drive down to his place to tell him my decision

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The pic is Abhay's bedroom.

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