Partners with the Bad Boy

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Author's note:
Heyyyy boo's ❤️ hope your all doing good! Enjoy this chapter x

Really really dreading going to the twins house, I don't want them saying anything about Chase and Jake I just don't have the time.

"Knock knock!"

"Aliyaaaaa your finally here!" Tiani says almost jumping up and down.

"Hey guys, I'm really busy soo I can only do a quick tutor lesson," I say trying to sound convincing.

"Aliya hun, you're not a very good lair," Lucy says giving Tiani that look they always give each other.

"Okay, fine sorry, can I come in?"

"Oh yes of course, let's go to my room," Tiani says.

"No, I want to go to my room," Lucy says yelling.

"LUCY!! It's not always about you!"

"EVERYTIME someone comes over where in your room."

"Girls, stop. We can just go to the lounge room."

"Ughhh fine," they both say in sync.

We sit down on their humongous couch, but before I can get comfortable the twins both say in sync again..

"Aliyaaaaa we need to ask you somethinggg."

"Uhh depends on what it is."

"Sooo are you like dating both Chase and Jake?"

"What the... NO. Why would you think that?"

"Well you know Chase was at your house yesterday and you and Jake seem like you're getting pretty close," Lucy says with a little smirk.

"And don't even try to say they're both just 'friends'."

"Well first off Chase has been my best friend for as long as I can remember and plus he's dating Cheryl and Jake...well we're hardly even friends. Not my fault he lives next door to me."

Tiani laughs, "Hmmm yeah sure sure. But like I don't know about Cheryl. She's like cheating on Chase."

"TIANI! What is wrong with you?!" Lucy mouth drops.

"Oh crap... it just came out."

"Cheryl is what! Cheating?" I was shocked.

"Pleaseeee don't say anything."

"How can I not say anything? Chase is my best friend."

"Yes but Aliya you could hurt him and like I wouldn't mess with Cheryl."

"I can't keep that from him."

"Well you have to or else."

"Can we please just start the lesson, I don't want to talk about this anymore."


Driving home I couldn't stop thinking about Cheryl, how could she do that to him. Chase has been my best friend for years I can't keep something like this from him but I know I have no choice..

Driving into my drive way I see a tall muscular figure standing at my door.

"Ummm can I help you?"

The figure turns around.. Jake.

"Heyyy Dollface," he says with a smile.

"Don't call me that.. what do you want?"

"Welllll since you skipped Chemistry the other day, there's something I need to ask. Well actually I'm not asking you have no choice,"

Not my fault I was up all night watching pretty little lairs, I was tired. I mean I guess it was kinda my fault...

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