"Well," the doe eyed girl cleared her throat, "Johnathan and I are actually meeting for the first time tonight," she grimaced. Jackie and I exchanged a look which spoke 'that makes sense'.
"Our relationship was...how do I explain it?" Fake? A lie? Not real? A sham? A hoax? Take your pick, "complicated," Ah, of course, "we started talking on this messaging board for fans of this game and decided to date! Then of course life got in the way and-"

"You got a boyfriend?" I interrupted. She nodded then turned to Jackie.

"Johnathan and I weren't serious in any way but I do treasure our conversations and promises. I'm just so happy I can finally be here for one your Friday night dinners!" She chimed. Was I getting jealous? Yes. The thought of Jonny loving anyone else made my heart sink deeper into my chest.

"Can I just ask-" Jackie interjected with one hand in the air like a child, "how did you know what Jonny looked like?"

"I guess I just assumed and got lucky. He looks like he plays Magic: The Gathering does he not?" She turned to me.

"Yes, he certainly does. You have great intuition," I complimented. My gaze shifted to Martin who was playing with his hearing aid, when he finally put it back in he asked what we were all talking about.

"Oh sorry. Martin Goodman," he introduced himself to the guest with a handshake. She took it timidly. I was actually impressed with how smoothly conversation was flowing despite the ridiculous circumstances.

"I just have one more question," I started, she looked a bit fed up with me, "actually two, maybe more. Did you really make a pact with him that long ago? How much has he told you about his family? And did he ever mention me? Viv" I reintroduced myself, it was a bit of a selfish question but who knows how things will work out?

"Well yes, at the time I was actually ending things with him and he suggested that in a few years and if we were both single we should get together and here I am! He didn't mention a lot about you in particular, just that you had a massive crush on him but you two would never ever ever ever date because you're best friends and I'll be honest I'm a little jealous but to see that you're engaged to Adam has really lifted my spirits," wow, "as far as the family goes I think I know the basics. Jackie is the best mother in the world and Martin can't hear?" Were the three evers necessary?

"What's that, love?" Martin asked Allison, who just giggled, "what?" He looked around the table for answers. The boys decided to enter the room again.

"Pissface!" I referred to the actual Jonny, "Allison here was just telling me that Johnathan would never ever ever ever date me because we're such good friends," I was being passive-aggressive which scared him. I could tell by the sudden drop in his face.

"Well that's good. It's a ridiculous assumption that you two would ever work out. We're closer and...more compatible," he draped an arm over me.

"Yes you certainly are. From our conversations I assumed you were in love with her," Allison shoved Pusface playfully.

"What? That's crazy," Jonny dragged out his sentence and cowered into his chair a little bit.

"Jonny, pass us the ketchup will you?" Martin asked and Jonny without a thought obeyed. He froze midway and realised his mistake.

"Oh boy, um. Dad is a bit senile nowadays, confusing the kids, you know," he sat back down nonchalantly. The doorbell rang and everyone besides Martin and Allison got up from their seats, "I'll get it," Jonny chimed.

"I'll join you," Adam rushed.

"Three's company," I shrugged because I didn't know what else to say.

"I'll come too, I need the loo," okay Mary Poopins. Allison followed me.
Jonny had opened the door to Jim.

"Hello Jonny, Adam," he nodded. The tall sweet man had finally learned their real names.

"Actually I'm Jonny," Adam 'corrected' Jim with extreme hesitation.

"I'm Adam," Jonny sighed. Allison entered the bathroom under the stairs.

"Oh. Well, is your Mum home? I'd like to ask her something," Jim asked, not giving their name switch a second thought.

"She's quite busy at the moment. You know eating," Adam said.

"Ah yes. Friday night dinner with the family," Jim smiled smugly. As if it was information secretly for him. Allison exited the bathroom and stood next to me, probably waiting for Adam and wondering who Jim was. The curious neighbour spotted our guest, "oh hello! I mean, Shalom!" He waved.

"Shalom!" I waved back confidently and Allison did so shyly.

"Shalom?" She asked. I gave her no answer, just a simple nod, "Johnathan?" She got Pusface's attention  before we all headed to the dining room. "Are you..you know?" She shrugged. I was intrigued and showed it by folding my arms. Jonny copied me and leaned on the opposite wall.

"What?" Adam replied politely.

"Ya know?" She did some weird mime drawing of a menora and made a yarmulke with her hand.

"I-I don't understand," Adam responded.

"Jewish," she whispered after taking a small look at the family. My oh my, are we in the midst of an anti-Semitic?

"Well yes, didn't I tell you?" Adam glared at Jonny who just shrugged because he couldn't remember.

"Oh. No. But that-that's great! I know I said I'm Roman Catholic and and my religion is very important to me. As it should be to you of course-I'm not saying don't be Jewish just..."
What is going on? Everyone was crowded in the doorway just staring at her. She took a big breath.

"You should go," Jackie had her arms crossed tightly over her chest. I've never been more scared or uncomfortable in my life.

"This was a mistake," Allison grabbed her coat and began making her way down the street.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay for a reading of some SS novels?!" Jonny shouted at her.

"You have the worst taste in women," I made fun of Jonny.
Actually, that was a self-burn.

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