My childhood

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My name is Abby and I'm a foster kid we'll let's start with me as a kid. My mom she was always on drugs and so dss moved me and my brother in with my aunt and my other two sisters went to live with our mamaw . We'll my aunt she was mean to me and my brother and her husband we'll he use to beat us for no reason. He acted like he was sick and he got a breathing machine just so he didn't have to breath it something like that. Well his name is Eric and he use to hurt me and my brother will my aunt went to play bingo and my brother had a peeing In the bed issue and we'll Eric made him sleep In the bathtub and where his underwhere on his head because he peed In them. Erica is my aunt and uncles daughter. She was always mean to she made me clean her room and do her chores and my mom got me a toy for when I graduated kindergarten it was a school bus that song the wheels on the bus go around and round. We'll Erica stole it and she messed it up, that was the only thing I had from my mom!

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