The hurt

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Later on after that my step dad hates me and he never talked to me. well I went to school and everything again and all my friends missed me but I couldn't tell them anything.I was bullied when I was little it all got better in 5th grade. But to continue with my life I had amazing grades. My older sister started talking to my biological mom again and she told her everything. One day my brother decided he wanted to go in a bike ride and when my step da shot back he was mad. He came in yelling at my brother. My brother told us he was not going to have this type of life so my brother took up for us. He said to my step dad I am tired of you abusing us and letting drugs take you over and my step dad said oh yeah what you going to do about it. He told my brother to stand up he dared him to and my brother didn't and he said that's what I thought you little pussy. My brother stood up as soon as my step dad said that and he said oh you big and tough aren't you. Then he started smacking my brother. So my brother grabbed his Arms and he wasn't going to have it. So my step dad started swinging and my brother blocked it and he wrapped his arms around my step dad and tried to get him to stop. My brother was tough. When this was all going on me and my two sisters were sitting there crying our eyes out, crying at the top of our lungs for them to just stop. But my brother was sitting there holding my step dad down. He would keep try to get out he would elbow my brother in the stomach trying to make my brother let him go. But my brother stayed and so my sister called our biological mom and we were screaming and crying and she couldn't understand. Then she just called the police and it took a while for the police to come but my brother and step dad was off the ground together. He ended up being in his bathroom shooting needles in his arms. The police showed up and there was like 6 police cars in our drive way and they asked us about if we had guns in the house. We did and they all just started putting on vest and they got there guns out and we told them how to get to out step dads room. They then came out with him and said that he was shirking needles up his arms when they went in. It was hard because we were all young I was 9 when this all was happening and we were just sitting in the back of a police men's car and was watching them put handcuffs on my step dad and we were crying. I hated that it was happening and it hurt me and my sisters so bad to watch and they put him in a car. They said they were going to take us to the dss building and they took us out to eat. We ate at Arby's. Then we went to dss house and they were looking for us to find a foster house to stay in and they didn't so we spent the night with our grandma and she took care of us. The next morning we went back and our social worker found us a place to stay it was ebenezer. It felt like it took us forever to get there but when we did life changed me and my two sisters were in the same house and my brother was in the boys house. The food was the best thing I have ever tasted in my life. The people were so loving and caring. Me and my sister would fight and our older sister came in and said to my sister what if Abby hair got adopted would you miss her and my sister said no I hope she does. That killed me like I never heard my sister ever say that before. But she did and my older sister let me sleep with her that night. We would do the same thing everyday wake up straighten our room and clean up. Then we would go have breakfast. It was some good food. Then we wouldn't go outside and play all day till lunch and then we would go eat and then go back and play. Then we would go in for dinner then go take showers. After bath time we would go watch like 15 minutes of if tv then go to bed. That happened almost every day. Some day Chruch groups would come and have these game and stuff set out for us and I swear God was always there for me. Life got better I was more of a kid then I had been in my life. Well 5th grade down there was great it was mulberry elementary. I had Friends but my bff was Alina she was always that for me school went by fast she would always give me her phone so I could talk to my friends outside of school. She was the world to me. I was crazy obsessed with this guy named Juan I swear he was always the only one he was tall and had the most beautiful eyes but he Would never actually date me. I dated this guy name garret just to make Juan mad but he never cared. Juan taught me how to play soccer he would always play with me if I was alone. I could of swear I was in live but I was in 5th grade I didn't know what love was. I would tell him I liked him every day me and Juan were always the Fast kids in school he was the fastest boy I was the fastest girl. He was faster then me but still it was just fun to be around him. He made me feel like I was worth something. Well the school came to a end and I got Juan's home phone and I would call him every Saturday and then I told him that there was this foster family and he just he was upset and I told him I was sister but I wasn't going to go to the same school anymore. That everything would change and after that his mom answered the phone and would say he wasn't there. I was upset. Me and my brother and sisters had separated over time my sister moved into a different foster home. My older sister was working and my brother never cared about hanging out he loved his video games. I moved in with the foster family and they had two kids a daughter and a son. They were all fun and game but then they got hard on me and I ended up always making mistakes and being in trouble. I hated life by then. There son would hit me for no reasons. He had anger issues really bad ones. I just went Depressed and I had friends at school I only hanged out with guys most of my life because I don't do drama. I was hanging with the bad boys and I would get in trouble at school. I would get in fights. I was just terrible. Then I was trying to sneak out at nights to go see my older sister which I never got the never to. But they caught me and they asked if I loved them I said yes they asked if I wanted to stay there. I said no. That's where life had another turn to it.

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