"We're gonna make it," I whispered, spinning around and looking at Harry and Louis who bit their lips and nodded slightly. 

"Let's go, we don't have much time," I whispered, jumping into the driver seat and swerving out of the driveway. 

"I can't believe we did it...I never thought this day was coming," I breathed, turning around and glancing at my Niall, sleeping peacefully.

"We can do anything now boys," I spoke giddily, feeling like nothing in the world could bring me down. 

****Liam's POV****

I woke up in a new room, hooked up to some machine. I looked around drowsily and saw I was alone in the room and there were a bunch of nurses and doctor's staring at me through a glass room. 

"What's going on?" I mumbled, my voice sounding like I was screaming. I closed my eyes tightly as my voice blew out my eardrums and I let out a tiny whimper. I heard nothing but mumbles from behind the glass and they were loud. 

"Stop, please," I mouthed, the room spinning and the voices engulfing me. It was starting to grow painful and I started to cry as the pain increased. I tried to break from the chair I was strapped into, but it was no use. 

"Help!" I cried, not caring how loud it was. I started to shake furiously and I felt all my thoughts and last bits of consciousness slipping away, but I tried to hold on. 

"Niall...I love you," I whimpered before I was nothing. I was just there, no thoughts no actions. I didn't know where I was, but I didn't care. There was nothing anymore. I didn't have any strength or willpower to do anything. I just felt my brain pulsing inside my skull and all I saw were bright flashes occasionally or a jolt through my body. 

"Liam!" a voice was screaming, but I couldn't comprehend anything. I felt something touching me and saw someone shaking my frantically, but I wasn't receptive at all. 

"LIAM!" the voice grew, a hard smack to my face. My eyelids fluttered and I began to start seeing things. It was Niall! He was screaming and crying as he shook me and held my face. 

"Liam! It's me!" he screamed and I nodded with a smile. 

"Niall," I whispered, but he seemed upset. He shook his head, grabbing something on my head and ripping it off. 

"Leave him be! We're running tests!" someone was screaming and suddenly I heard a commotion of screaming and yelling, and a million people touching me. I screamed out in pure confusion, losing sight of Niall, and thrashed around frantically to find him. 

"Niall! Where's Niall?!" I cried, spinning in the chair after my hand restaints were removed. I just saw blurred faces surrounding me and talking and someone crying. I blinked a few times, trying to calm down and let my brain go back to functioning properly and then suddenly I felt cool hands on my cheek and I saw Niall's face again. 

"Oh..Niall," I whispered, but his face was slowly starting to distort. My eyes widened in horror, but after a few minutes, all the blurriness went away and I saw it was actually Kate holding my face and crying furiously. Niall wasn't there...only Kate was. 

"Kate," I murmured and she nodded, throwing herself into my arms and kissing me all over. 

"What the HELL did you do to him?!" she screamed, the doctor's jumping back. 

"We were running tests on his brain...to try and help him," my doctor spoke calmly, but she screamed and knocked over a machine, shaking her head in a furious manner. 

"You're going to damage his brain! He isn't insane! He's perfectly normal! You all are the crazy ones!" I'm taking him out of here and I don't care what you say. He was put in here under false conditions and I will go to court or deal with anything I need to so that I can get him out of here," she hissed and the doctor swallowed hard, looking around. I stared at Kate, thinking they'd probably admit her there rather than let me go. 

"Get him the fuck out. We've had nothing but problems since he's gotten here! Get help from someone else!" my doctor erupted, thrusting me out of the chair and I looked at Kate. 

"How long have I-" 

"A week...they told me they knocked you out a few days ago and just kept you under to run tests...Liam....Niall's gone," she spoke and I felt my heart shatter. I stood there, speechless. 

"He called me, but he was kidnapped before he could finish the message he left me. He told me to tell you he loves you so much. I called the police, but they haven't found him yet," she whispered and I left out a deafening scream. After all the shit we'd gone through and now...I was alone again...

A/N: The bad news is I'm trying to make plot twists but I have nothing. So...it might be a few days before another upload...also because I'm so not ready for this story to end...


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