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As Officer Reynolds walked back into the room, Sapphire immediately shot her gaze towards him.

"Sweetheart, I know you're scared but i'm going to need you to make a decision. Can you do that for me?" She nods her head cautiously.

"You're either going to be put in fost-" She interrupts him immediately by shaking her small head rapidly, horrified at the thought of being in the system.

"Or you can stay with me." he adds quickly, hoping to calm her down. Sapphire feels relieved at the thought of him sticking around.

She points at Riker and nods her head, hoping he understands.

He walks over to her and grabs her hand, "That's great honey, but-" Riker hesitates. "I'm eventually going to have ask you about that night."

Her lips form in pout that breaks his heart, yet she nods in understanding.

"Well, we can leave now if you'd like, I'll make some food once we get home."

She nods and goes to stand up but her legs are too shaky, just as she's about to fall Riker catches her.

His touch surprising doesn't freak her out, yet the thought of him overpowering her does. She starts to push herself away, only to have Riker pull her gently back.

"I'd never hurt you darling, you're safe with me."

That eases her mind, though she still doesn't fully trust him. But with a nod of her head he slowly picks her up and they start making their way out to his truck.

He slides her into the passenger seat and buckles her up and then goes to get into the driver seat. With that, they are on their way home. To a new beginning for Sapphire, to something new for Riker.


They make it home about a half hour later. Riker turns the truck off and steps around to the passenger side. He gently lifts Sapphire up and makes his way to the front door.

They make it inside and Riker sets her down on the couch.

"I'm gonna go make us some dinner, alright love?"

She whimpers in response, not wanting to be alone in a strange and new environment.

"Wanna go with me to the kitchen?" She nods as he picks her up.

He sets her down on the kitchen counter and starts pulling out pots and pans. She just watches, observing him. As it looks like he's starting to make pasta.

Why is he so gentle? Why hasn't he hit me yet? Is this all a joke?

Thoughts swarm Sapphires mind, her anxiety rising all of a sudden. Her hands shake as she clinches them into fist, not realizing her fingernails are cutting her skin. Riker turns around to find out which pasta sauce she wants, walking towards her quickly when he sees the state she's in.

He grabs her hands causing her to flinch, yet he only unclenches them rather than letting go. He looks up and cups Sapphires face with his large, ruff hands.

"Sapphire, baby breathe. Everything is okay. Nothing bad is going to happen." Riker tries to reassure her.

He pulls her into his chest as she tries to calm her breathing down. Her head rest against him as tears stream down her blotchy face, Sapphires eyes start to grow heavy.

Riker gently soothes her to sleep, being careful as he picks Sapphire up and takes her to his room. He slowly places her in his bed, kissing her forehead on the way out.

Once he's back in the kitchen, he finishes cooking and heads to his office. Seeing the load of paperwork on his desk makes him sigh, realizing he won't be getting much rest.

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