Chapter 13: Be honest with me prt 1

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Jesse's POV

I got home with some an hour and a half to spare before Jake and the others arrive to set up.

Rushing through the front door, I ran past Brianna kissing some guy on the couch, up the stairs and unlocking my bedroom door.

My hand stilled on the door handle, did I just see what I think I saw?

Moving away from my door, walking back downstairs and into the living room, I paused at the entrance, my eyes widening at the sight.

"What the hell!" I exclaimed causing Brianna to push Mason off the couch unto the floor, her eyes staring at me with fear.

"Jesse? Ummm, I can explain," I stopped her with a shake of my head and walked closer to Mason, he stood up as he saw me coming.

"Jesse," He started but I raised my hand to stop his upcoming "I'll fight for her speech."

"I have nothing to say but congrats, you are lucky to have her as a girlfriend, she will care and love you no matter what," I said while smiling at Brianna, slowly I turned my gaze to Mason, my eyes hardening.

"Treat her right or else, she's my sister as well as Riven's best friend so you got her to deal with as well as me. I hope that we could become good friends Mason, you're a good guy and I know that you're the kind of boyfriend my sister needs," I told him before shaking his hand.

"Thanks, Jesse, I promise that I won't hurt her in any way," He told me before sitting down next to a shocked Brianna, I smiled at the new couple before running upstairs to change.

"Jesse?" Brianna called out at the bottom of the staircase, I turned around to face her.

"Yeah?" I replied.

She smiled at me, her eyes sparkling with happiness, "thank you," she said, I smiled at her before turning around and continuing the trek to my room.


The bass was pumping, everyone jumping, dancing, having a good time.

I scanned the crowd, looking out for any odd behaviours, looking out for my fellow schoolmates.

Checking my watch, I saw that it was ten minutes to eleven, I wondered how long before this was over and the cleanup started.

"Jesse!" Bethany shouted my name pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Why aren't you dancing Jesse-bear?" she asked me her voice slurring a bit.

"I'm just keeping an eye on things Beth, and I think you've had enough of this," I told her while taking the cup from her hands.

"Jessssseeeee, stop being a buzz kill and enjoy the party," she told me before walking off to dance with Sara and Lucy.

Sometimes I wondered why I'm even friends with her, she's beautiful yes but she's mean to everyone that doesn't agree with her, she crushes people to get ahead, she's has a rotten personality and is spoilt.

I knew all these things yet I put up with her, I continued to allow her to think that there was a chance that we could end up together but it wasn't true.

And Riven said that I'm a nice guy. What kind of nice guy strings along a girl like that? I'm gonna have to set it straight, but tomorrow when she's soberer.

Feeling like a weight lifted off my shoulders, I continued to make my rounds, saying hi, stopping fights, calling taxies to send home really drunk individuals.

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