Chapter 10: Can't stay out trouble huh? prt1

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Jesse's POV:

I tried my best to stay focus during class but I couldn't. My mind kept going back to last night, I still can't believe she ended our friendship.

"Hey man, you alright?" I glanced up to see everyone at the lunch table looking at me.

I forced a smile before replying, "Yeah, just thinking about college applications, they gonna come so fast and I just want to be prepared," I told them lying straight through my teeth.

Pushing my tray away since I didn't have much of an appetite, I felt a pair of eyes boring holes into the back of my head. Turning around I saw Riven staring at me with a frown.

Strange, well not really since she frowns a lot but normally when Brianna is talking to her she's all smiling, smirking and laughing.

Also when Riven stares at me it's with a scowl, not a frown. When she realized that I caught her, she quickly turned away, avoiding my eyes, which isn't like her, she always faces me head-on.

What's going on with Riven?


"Huh?" I asked still lost in my thoughts.

"Dude, I called you like five times, why are you staring at Riven so?" Jake asked looking at me weirdly.

"Nothing, it's just that she seems gloomy," I said while in the corner of my eye, I saw her storm out of the cafeteria.

"Whatever, so what if the rebel is sad, who cares," Bethany said callously. 

I never understood why Bethany hated Riven, ever since Junior year when Riven joined, Bethany has been out for blood but Riven doesn't retaliate and if she does it's something witty that makes Bethany look stupid, which really riles her up even more.

"We're still having the party at your place right?" Jake asked, his expression hopeful, I nod and he fist pumps with Darren.

"Yep tomorrow at eight," I said even though I don't feel like partying but I promised him and I can't break my promise.


The bell finally rang ending my last class, I packed my books into my bag before heading to the parking lot. The quicker I got out, the better. Brianna told me that Mason would be picking her after her swim practice since they planned to hang out after. 

They getting really close, but my aunt reassures me that it's nothing more than a friendship. I don't know what to think except that I need to get to know Mason more if my sister does decide to take things further.

The drive home was quiet, I locked the door as I closed it, got some fruit and water from the fridge and went up to my room. I needed something to distract me so I decided to do some homework.

It was almost five when I decided to talk a walk since I finished my work around four and felt bored. I kept thinking about what Sil said and how she just left, I didn't pay attention to my surroundings but when I did I saw that I was standing on the street where I found my uncle talking to the people who wanted to kidnap Bri and me.

I strolled closer to the house to see if there was anything that would give me an answer but nothing. I sighed before turning around to go back home when someone spoke. Ducking behind a dumpster, I saw a man walk in.

"Hey Louis, yeah I know, it was a trap, that Levi arrested everyone. I know! He's working with that Shadow girl and Argent. I know the Mistress Elenora won't be pleased. As of the moment I have eyes on the girl but she's with that brute Dameon and I bet that banished princess isn't far away from there. Uh huh, I'll report back tomorrow," He said before hanging up and walking back out onto the street.

I know what I'm going to do is stupid, idiotic, suicidal even but it's all I got and I need answers. I kept a few yards behind him keeping him in sight, ducking when he glanced back. I took photos and videos of where he stopped and what he did.

 I followed him for eight blocks before I lost him, the street got crowded as late workers left their jobs on their way home. I kept walking hoping to see him when I came across a children's playground.

I gazed through the faces to see if the man was there but someone else caught my attention well two persons actually. Walking closer I saw Riven talking to Nathaniel, who was intently staring at a little boy sliding.

Nathaniel was listening to Riven but his focus was on the boy as he slid down, the widest smile came onto Nathaniel's face as the boy laughed with excitement, even Riven paused to smile at this. The little boy as he reached the bottom ran into Nathaniel's arms elated and laughing pointing to the swings. 

The little boy turned to Riven, his lips moved and she nodded, they went to the swings and Nathaniel pushed the boy as they both continued their conversation. The little boy unaware as he was in his glee.

I wonder who the kid is, a little brother maybe. I couldn't ponder on that thought as I saw the man that I was tailing earlier cross the street walking past an ice cream shop. I resumed my tailing hoping to find more answer and not lose him.


Riven's POV:

"Why are you here Caden? Why come to earth, get a fake name like Nathaniel? Are you spying on me?" I asked him as I watched him but his focus was on Scott.

"I was assigned here," Was his answer. 

"I realized that but why. What does your Mistress want here?" I pushed further but was met with a glare.

"You know I can't tell you that," He stated.

"Why?" I questioned a bit irritated.

"Just because" He replied.

"I have no idea why I even put up with this, why do I allow you to see Scott when he's in danger by just being associated with you?" I questioned mostly for myself.

"Because, you love him and he loves me and you want him to be happy which means seeing me," he stated before pointing out that Scott was going to slide down. When he did the brightest smile came onto Caden's face as he watched Scott laugh as he slid down.

He's right, I wanted Scott to be happy and being happy entailed Caden's presence.

"May we go on the swings?" Scott asked Caden as he ran into his arms. Caden faced me, his eyes asking for permission, I smiled at Scott.

"Sure squirt let's go," I told before walking with them to the swings.

I felt the hair on"  the back of my neck stand, it felt like a pair of eyes was watching me, us, I glanced around and saw Jesse standing at the entrance of the park staring at us. I observed him for a few seconds until he turned and followed a man down the street.

Why do I feel that something bad is going to happen to him and I'm gonna save his butt and get angry and have a fight with him?

Cuz you got some seeing powers as well?

Huh? Well, then all I need to do is wait then.

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