Lindsey says "Well, it looks like is just us now, do you mind coming back to my dressing room and helping me with the lines?" I don't like it one bit but I don't want to cause problems so I say "I guess." I grab my script and follow Lindsey back to her dressing room. After we get there she says "Can I get you something to drink?" I smile and say "No thanks, let's just go over the lines." She looks a little angry that I turned her down, but that's her problem. She smiles and says "OK." The scene calls for us to be talking and then she gives me a quick little kiss, and then I back out and say something to her before she kisses me again. Ugg, I really don't want to do this scene but it's scripted so I don't have a choice. She says her line and then leans in to connect out lips, I back out and she says "Shay what's wrong? I thought we were rehearsing here?" I say "Yeah but I don't think we need to rehearse the kissing part." She gives me a dirty look and says "Well how else are we suppose to get the entire scene right if we skip around? I mean I don't want to spend the rest of the night on set trying to get it right." I think to myself 'Shit, I don't want to be stuck here all night either, Sash is going to be finished and I will still be filming with Lindsey.' I say "Alright but take it easy will ya." She smiles and starts her lines over...

She leans in and kisses me but it's not a quick kiss so I back out and say "Lindsey, that is suppose to be a small quick kiss." She says "Oh, I'm sorry... see this is why we have to rehearse." She once again starts her lines over and then comes in for another kiss, my stomach is turning because I really don't want to be kissing her... I can't believe she does it again, I back out and now I am more upset, I say "Lindsey!!! What are you doing?" She says "Shit, I did it again... I'm sorry, one more time, I promise I will get it right this time." I take a deep breath and she starts over again. This time she give a short kiss and I say my lines and she comes back in for another kiss, but the kiss is all over the place, she tries to force her tongue in my mouth and her hands are all over me. I push her off and yell "Lindsey!!! What the fuck?" She just smiles and says "I was just kissing you like the script calls for." I yell back "Nowhere in the script does it say you put your tongue in my mouth or try to grab my ass... We are done here, find someone else to help you run your lines." I walk out and slam her dressing room door.

I was moving so fast, I didn't see Ashley and damn near ran her over. She says "Whoa, where's the fire?" I say "Sorry Ash, I am just pissed right now." I take off and head to my dressing room to brush my teeth and maybe gargle with bleach... Ugg!!! I want her taste out of my mouth. I am standing over my sink brushing my teeth and looking for anything to gargle with when Ashley comes in and says "OK, what in the hell happened?" I spit and rinsed my mouth, Ashley grabs the mouthwash I was too frazzled to find and hands it too me, and I gladly take it. I gargle and spit, I go to take another swig and Ashley stops me, she says "I think your fine now, tell me what the hell happened..." I stand there breathing heavy and I say "That fucking Lindsey asked me to rehears our scene we have later because she messed up the lines all day and Sasha had to go to set so I said OK... and I didn't know, because if I had know, I mean..." Ash cuts me off and says "Breath... Ok slow down and tell me what happened."

I take a breath and I say "I was trying to help Lindsey with her lines so I wouldn't be stuck on set all night and she tried to kiss me... I told her I didn't think we needed to rehearse the kiss part and she said it was too confusing to skip around so I said OK but to take it easy... she said her line and then kissed me, and not the way it was scripted and I backed out and I told her it was suppose to be a quick kiss and she apologised and we started over, she fucking kissed me the same again so I got mad and she swore it was a mistake and asked for one more chance to get it right. I finally agreed and she said her line, kissed me the way she was suppose to so I said my lines and she came in for another kiss, but she forced her fucking tongue in my mouth and tried to grab my ass. I pushed her off and told her I was done, that was not scripted and she could find someone else to run lines with..." Ashley's eyes glazed over and I swear I saw steam come out of her ears... She hands me the mouthwash and said "You better rinse again just in case." Then she said "I'm going to kill that bitch, what the fuck does she think she is doing? We don't live in Rosewood, this isn't PLL and she is not Page!!! She is trying to fuck up your real life and I am going to put a stop to it right fucking now!!!" Ashley stomped off and slammed my door behind her... I tipped the mouthwash back and rinsed again, not worrying about Ashley... She can more than handle herself.

Love is Love (Sashay/Emison)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz