"Hello?" I asked.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Just slipped on something," I muttered searching for whatever it was I had slipped on. I found shirt laying on the floor under my foot.

Jace started laughing at me. I rolled my eyes, and picked up the shirt. It was an off the shoulder white top.

"The culprit seems to have just helped me."

"The culprit? How?" Jace asked, still laughing.

"Well I just found what top I'm going to wear. And stop laughing! It's not that funny."

"Sure it wasn't. I'm at the meeting spot. So I'll let you go so you can finish getting ready."

"Ok, see you soon."

"See ya," Jace said, then hung up.

I finished getting dressed on the floor, because I was just too damn lazy to get up. Once done, I glared at the bathroom door. I had to get up, and go in there to get my makeup. After a few minutes of an intense stare down with the door, willing my make up to fly through that door towards me, I got up off my lazy ass and walked over to the bathroom.

I quickly finished getting ready, and headed downstairs. I could hear the cook starting on dinner in the kitchen, while chatting away with a girl. Aside from that, it sounded like the house was nearly empty. Emily and some of the other assistants took most of the younger girls out to some museum. The older girls went out and did their own thing. Whoever was left was staying with some of the other assistants. During the summer we had a surplus of assistants to help us out. Enough for everyone to have three girls.

I made my way over to the mountain of shoes. Due to the fact that there was no organized time everyone was coming and going, the shoe rack was left abandoned, and all the shoes just made their way into a giant pile by the door. I found my flip flops, and started my walk to the small cafe a street over. I saw Jace's car waiting in the parking lot. My heart started to flutter, and I felt the excited buzz I always got from being around him. I sped up my walk, and a small smile graced my lips.

As I neared, I saw Jace leaning out his window talking to somebody. I recognized him as a boy from school. My steps faltered, and the smile slipped from my lips. I slowed down my pace, as I watched the boy. He must have smelled me, because he spun around to face me. I sped up my walk, meaning to walk right past Jace and the boy and into the cafe, but the boy called out to me.

"What's the enemy doing on our territory? Oh that's right, your family doesn't want you anymore," The boy chuckled.

Ouch, that hurt. I quickly covered up the emotions rising to the surface. I shot a quick glance at Jace, before turning my full attention onto the boy. It was hard to do with my mate just a few feet away. I rolled my eyes, and smirked at the boy.

"Is that the best you got? Cheap shots about my family? Come on I know a wittle pup like you can do better." I cooed.

"You better watch who your calling pup!" He snarled. The beauty of a werewolf, their tempers made aggravating them so easy.

"What are you going to do? Hurt me? You're alpha won't allow it, because I'm no longer associated with the Jenners. All that I'm trying to do now is lead a normal human life, and by law you can't do anything to me for that. So if you don't mind, I have a date with someone."

With that said I marched off, and headed into the cafe. Not much of a comeback, but I really didn't feel with arguing. I had a whole showdown with Jenna the night before. It ended up with her trying to slap me, but I caught her arm and twisted it. She started screeching, and then stomping out of the room when I released her.

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