Chapter 7

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Elijah had dragged Toby out to go to Tom's party, being one of those people who just turned up. Toby wasn't interested in partying and Elijah was, but being the more controlling brother, Elijah won, as usual.

When they'd arrived, things had already been going on for an hour or two and there were already people spilt out across the sofas and leaning against walls, drunk but still functioning...for now at least.

There was still music playing and people moving to it but they both assumed that it had been a livelier earlier in the night.

Toby looked around them, scanning for anywhere that he could go to temporarily get away from the fuss. He spotted Loic in the next room over and wondered whether to go talk to him, but then remembered that his brother was still trying to prove that he was interested in Loic. As if to double the fact that he shouldn't go over, a girl he recognised from Loic's group of friends seemed to effortlessly slip under the other's arm.

He sighed and looked back around, realising that Elijah was gone.

He darted his eyes over the room to try and see him but he couldn't lay eyes on him. He started to manoeuvre his way through people to try and get to the next room before he caught sight of the vampire. Elijah was heading towards Loic and somehow Toby had missed him leave his side when he was looking at Loic himself.

He furrowed his brow, annoyed at Elijah for leaving him when he'd dragged him along in the first place. He followed Elijah, not knowing what else to do.

"Loic, this your girl? Thought you said you didn't have one." Elijah asked, Loic turning to see who it was.

"No, and I don't." He replied, then feeling a little awkward. Emily had moved under his arm without him wanting her to but knew she'd get mad at him if he didn't just go with it. It wasn't the first time either and that was one of the reasons why he didn't usually go to any parties anymore.

Toby caught up to Elijah and caught eyes with Loic momentarily

"Ah, I see. On the pull are we?" Elijah winked, fully understanding that Loic wasn't comfortable with Emily being there and using to his advantage.

"Hey, Loic. Want to grab a drink? You look like you're all out." Toby butted in.

Loic looked down at his drink which had just been half full and held a confused look before looking back up to Toby. "Yeah, okay."

Elijah glanced at his brother, both annoyed and impressed at him going out of his way to ruin his game.

Loic pulled away from Emily and joined Toby who had already begun to walk so that he could avoid Elijah's gaze.

"Thanks for that," Loic said loud enough to just be heard over the music, leaning closer so that people around them couldn't hear him.

"No problem," Toby replied, the spike of confidence now leaving his body.

"How'd you know I wasn't with her? It wasn't that obvious that I didn't like it, was it?"

"No, of course not. I've just had experience with that kind of thing."

The thought of Toby being gay flashed across Loic's mind but he got rid of it, sure he was just hoping that he knew someone else going, or having gone through what he was.

They both got drinks but stayed around that area rather than going back to the group, chatting about random things and preferring that over what either of them were avoiding.

Unluckily for Toby, Elijah caught his eye and the other winked at him, but he could tell that on the inside he was pissed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2018 ⏰

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