Chapter 1

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The Brighten twins weren't always there. Although they had somehow phased into normal life, they hadn't been there for as long as other people seemed to think. They suddenly appeared one day and in a matter of hours they had somehow made it seem as though they had grown up with people here, childhood memories, trips to the beach, parties that they shouldn't have even known about. It all just happened and suddenly the Brighton twins were in everyone's lives.

Loic on the other hand, he knew it didn't add up. He'd first seen them at the very beginning when they'd walked casually in through the gates and split off in the corridor, each taking a wing. It seemed strange at first when they didn't even look at each other the whole time they walked, but yet it didn't affect Loic till he was in his first period, talking with his friends when Elijah, the more burly of the two, came into the room, walked straight over to his group and started talking to everyone as if he had always been part of it and had done this since the start of the year. The other's seemed oblivious to this and all smiled warmly at the intruder. Loic stayed out of the conversation from then on out till the lesson started, listening to music instead and keeping his eyes on the questionable guy.

All lessons that he shared with either of the males were the same. Sometimes being Tobias, the more timid one, but still just as strange.

At lunch, they took their own table and anyone who approached to join them would be turned away. It was the only time that Loic had seen them together during the day.

Weeks later and not much had changed. Loic continued to stay in his group and eventually wariness faded from within him and he came to just deal with the fact that whatever had happened, had.

"Loic, right?" Toby questioned as he stood next to Loic's desk.

He had a gentle way of speaking but it always came with the unconscious feeling of importance, as if you should always listen or there will be consequences kind of important. The same was for his brother, though he spoke in a more aggressive manner.

"Uh, yeah," Loic replied, surprised to be addressed. The twins hadn't really spoken to him directly, only in group conversations, which he rarely joined in with anymore anyway.

"Is it okay to sit here?" Toby asked.

They'd had to move from the lecture theatre to a classroom for drama as they were currently renovating it, and with this came the problem of having to choose seats. Loic generally knew everyone in the class well enough to sit with any of them, but he hadn't felt like joining in talks that day and the surprise of being asked to have someone sit next to him was a nice one, even though he wasn't too concerned about keeping a conversation up.

"Yeah, sure." Loic pulled his book more onto his part of the table to give Toby the table room he should have.

Toby took a seat and unpacked his book

"I've seen you act. You're pretty good at it."

"Thanks, you too."

Toby smiled softly and took the hint that Loic wasn't really in the mood to talk.

"I don't think he's suspicious. He's human, that's for sure. Might just be a loner." Toby said calmly when he joined his brother near the gates.

"Well, even if he's a bit suspicious, we need to make sure that he doesn't start snooping. For some reason, he's noticed us. I am not moving already just because some smart arse figured out we weren't here before." Elijah retorted, feeling angered by the fact he didn't understand why Loic had noticed them slipping their way into the school.

"I doubt he thinks we are anything dangerous. Unusual maybe." Tobias replied, his eyes wandering off to spot Loic disappearing down an alleyway further down the road to them. He was curious as to why but for the sake of himself, he kept it from his brother.

"Yeah, I guess." Elijah huffed. He bit the inside of his lip in thought and then when they were far enough from any other students, he spoke. "You need to eat, it's been weeks."

Toby's shoulders sagged. He really didn't like feeding but was forced to by his brother, who enjoyed every moment of it. "I'll be fine until next week."

"No. You're already getting pale. We're going out tonight."

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