BONUS CHAPTER: A thousand years later.

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I layed Cristopher down in his crib as Toby entered the nursery. He wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled down at me. I smiled back and pecked him on the lips. He grabbed my hand and lead me back to our bedroom that was connected to the nursery. 

Toby and I have been living happily together for a thousand years. Toby became leader of the vampires. I call him the king, just because it annoys him. I took Chase's place as the expert trainer. We had a burial for Chase and all the others who had died in the war. To me, the war is a long didstance memory. I did regret killing my sister and she still holds a place in my heart today along with Dj.

Me and Toby did break up once. It was maybe 5 years ago. I had gotten him mad over something. I forgot what it was. But anyways, I pushed him over the edge and he slapped me. I left the mansion after that. I knew it was also my fault as well but I was so pissed off that day that I didn't really care. A couple hours later, he was calling my cell phone non-stop, begging me to come back. I eventually gave in and went back. He apologized and we made up. 

Then last year, Toby proposed to me in front of EVERYONE! Of course I said yes. We went to New York for our honeymoon and lets just say that what happens in New York stays in New York. A couple months later, I found out I was pregnant. Toby was surprised when I tolld him the news. He helped me through pregnancy, even through my mood swings. I gave birth to a adorable baby boy who we named Christopher.

Oh and your probably wondering how I'm still alive. To be honest, no one knows. Toby believes that my mom only killed my werewolf side, leaving me a full vampire. Weird, huh? Still to this day, no one knows how I lived.

The pack probably had a new Alpha. There was stil hatred between the werwolves and vampires but the wars stopped. After the war, the magic barriers were put up so neither kinds can cross the border. I think someone told me that there barrier was basically like a large electric fence that can't be broken. The barrier does wear off after time so they pack has to recreate it every now an then.

I was let across the barrier once, just to gather all my stuff I had left behind when I had first ran away. I took my pictures of my sister and I, and all my clothes. I missed my sister dearly. Sometimes, both her and Dj visit me in my dreams, always telling me how much they loved and cared about me.

Toby and I ended up watching a horror movie. What an evil man! He knows perfectly well that horror movies freak me out. I soon gave up on trying to watch the movie and climbed on top of him, straddling him. He laughed as I leaned down and pecked him on the lips. He deepened the kiss and flipped us over. I giggled, wrapping my arms around his neck. His kisses trailed down my jaw line and neck.

I was in my own personally heaven. Happyness. Laughter. Everything I wanted in life was happening right now. I was with the love of my life and I never wanted this to change.

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