Chapter 12 - Don't you just hate life?

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I woke up the next morning, that I was back a home with my parents and everything had been a dream. But I was still lying across the rotten couch at the motel. I sighed, got up, and stretched. I pulled on a fresh pair of jeans and a t-shirt and my shoes before leaving. I locked the door and put the key in my pocket. I got to the hair store to find the door unlocked and the woman from last night gone.

"Dumbass", I grumbled. I walked in and sat behind the counter. Customers started to come in around 7 AM. To be honest, the job wasn't that hard. All I had to do was answer question,show people where things are, and ring up the customers purchases.

Before I knew it, it was 6 PM. I had worked 11 hours and earned 55 dollars. The woman, whose name turned out to be Brianna, came in a few minutes later. She payed me and I left. I was starving.

Seeing that I'm only half vampire, I can still survive on human food. I went to the gas station down the road, bought a large bag of Hot Fries and a bottle of Dr. Pepper, went back to my room, ate, then went to bed.


The same thing went on for 2 days straight. I went to work at 6 AM, left work at 7PM, went to the gas station, then went to my motel room. It was now Tuesday night, almost 12 in the morning.

I couldn't sleep. Tomorrow was my birthday. If my sister, I mean She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, was right, then shifting would be painful. I looked at my watch on my wrist. 11:52. 8 minutes to go.

I was scared, shaking from head to toe. I want to be with my parents right now. Even if they don't care about me. At least I wouldn't be alone. I looked at my watch again. 11:56. 4 minutes.

I felt a tear run down my cheek. I never been more terrified in my entire life. I checked the watch. 11:58......11:59. I began to panic. Then the watch beeped, signaling it was 12 AM. I waited in silence, tears running down my face.

The a sudden pain erupted in my body. I bit down on my hand to keep from screaming. It felt as if something wanted to burst out of my chest. My heart was pounding, body trembling. Blood dripped down my wrist from where I bit it. I pulled my hand away and let out a scream. This pain was unbearable. I fell off the couch and curled into a ball.

I heard the door burst open. Didn't I lock the door?

The person who entered bent down next to me. I want to yell at them to get away from me, to go away. Then I shifted. Shreds of clothes scattered everywhere. Pure white fur covered my body. I slammed into the person's body. It was as if I had no control of my body.

Suddenly, I was slammed to the floor, my back exposed. Then something hard hit my head causing me to black out.

Night FallOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora