Chapter 16 - The Note

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I unfolded the sheet of paper and immediately recognized Dj sloppy handwriting.

Dear Abigail

When I found out that you left I knew something was up. I found the papers in Thomas's office. I know you must have read only one of the papers but I need to tell you that there was more to it.

I know once Thomas knows that I know everything, he won't want me spreading it around. So I am leaving this note. Thomas wasn't planning on killing you. He was going to try and mate with you by force.Turns out that children of a Luna werewolf are as powerful as the mother and if the children are half vampire they'll be even stronger. Be careful. I know Thomas is still out there. And there might be a possibility of the war starting soon. Good luck and be safe.

-Your friend Dj who will be with you forever even in death.

Tears dripped down my face as I read the note over again. Not only is my my best friend dead but Thomas was planning on mating with me by force. How disgusting is that?!

I crumble up the sheet of paper and shove it in my pocket, jumping to my feet. I leave the room and began wondering aimlessly in the halls. I let my mind wonder over the past week.

The pain I felt after hearing my parents conversation. Running away. Meeting Thomas and Toby. The happiness I had felt when Toby and I had finaly become friends. The shock and betrayal of Thomas. Running away again. The kiss. Dj's funeral............

Who knew so many events could happen in so little time. I somehow regretted leaving home. If I hadn't left, none of this wouldn't have happened. Then again, If I hadn't ran away, I wouldn't have met Toby. I sighed. None of this was making me feel better. Actually, it was making me feel worse and guilty.

I found myself outside me bedroom door. I stared at it for what seemed like hours.

What if Thomas is in there? Waiting for me. Being the wimp that I am, I ran toward Toby's room. There was no way in hell that I'm staying by myself. I knocked on the door of Toby's room a few minutes later. The door swund open, revealing a shirtless Toby. Heat spread over my face.

"Is it okay if I stay in here tonight"? I murmured, trying to make it less obvious that I was scared. Toby was silent for a second.

Then he spoke. "Your scared", he said softly. I blushed even more. Damn it!!!!

Then I felt his arms wrap around me, pulling me against his chest. He pulled me into the room and sat me on the bed. As he went to shut the door, I looked around his room. It looked much like mine exept it was a little smaller. I fell back against the his bed and stared at the ceiling. I felt the mattris dip down as Toby sat next to me.

"You okay", he asked. I shook my head, refusing to look away from the ceiling. He suddenly reached out, placing the palm of his hand against my cheek as he tryed to make me look at him. But I resisted and didn't move my gaze.

"Abigail", he said pleaded. "Look at me". I sighed and slowly met his gaze. He stared at me, clearly worried.

"You're going to be okay. I won't let him hurt you". He was refering to Thomas. Even mentioning his name caused Toby to get pissed off.

He pressed his lips against mine. The warmth of his mouth sent a current running through my body. I wrap my arms around his neck getting lost in the kiss.Then something came to my thoughts. I realized that I bearly knew anything about Toby. I mean, he's never really told me anything about him. I quickly pull away and sit up. He sat up too, clearly startled.

"What"? He asked. He sounded hurt. I stared at my hands. I didn't want him to think that I didn't like him. Because, believe me, I do. But it just didn't feel right to be kissinga guy that you know nothing about.

"This isn't right", I finally said, looking up to me his gaze. He looked at me, a hint of sadness forming in his eyes.

"It's not that I don't like you", I quickly said. "It's just that, we barely know anything about eachother and I feel that it's a bit wrong for us to be doing this".

He was silent for a while. Then he finally said, "Okay. What do you like to know"?


Toby told me about his life as a child. In 1865, his vampire mother and father were both killed by werewolves, which explains why hates my kind so much. He was only 10 years old when it happened. Thomas had found him a couple of weeks later. By then, Toby had been dying of starvation because of the lack of blood. So Thomas took him here and raised him as his own. As he had grown older, his hatred for werewolves grew stronger. He had sworn to avenge his parents death and kill any werewolf he came across.

When Toby had killed a Beta werewolf years later, the war began. The conflict between the to races have been going for centuries. Many lives had been lost.

Then, I came around. Toby had admitted that he was disgusted by the sight of me. And if Thomas hadn't been there to stop him, he would have killed me right then and there.

I stayed silent as he spoke. Until, he told me that when I had left, he had realized the feelings he had towards me. After he finished, I told him about me.....

By the time the sun began to rise, I had fallen asleep in Toby's arm. I woke up just as the sun was sinking below the horizon. I opened my eyes. Toby had his arm around my waist, spooning me to him. I smiled a little. I was happy that we had gotten to know eachother alot more last night. Though there were probably still alot of other stuff to be told, I was still glad.

Even though there will be a war soon, even though I had lost almost everything that I cared about, the feeling of happiness filled my heart, a feeling that I had not expeirienced in a long time. I was happy to be in this man's arms. I sighed quietly and snuggled against his chest, falling quickly back to sleep.

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