Chapter 18

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Abigail's POV

I followed Toby down to the basement and was surprised to find a training area. I was actually excited. Since the vampire transformation completed  two days ago, I feel a hundred times stronger. I guess that's because I have my werewolf strength and vampire strength combined. Toby introduced me to his buddy Chase. He told me to go stand amongst the other warriors and I quickly obeyed. Toby stood beside Chase as he explained that we only had two weeks to train.

Chase used me mostly as an example. He believed we had an advantage in this war because of my new strength. Training lasted for about 5 hours and by then it was around 3 in the morning. I was completely exhausted and thirsty. Toby and I went down to the kitchen with many of the other warriors. They passed around viles of blood and I gladly took one. I drained my glass and under 6 seconds.

"New record", I said to Toby. He laughed, wrapping his arm around my waist. We watched the others chat amongst themselves. It felt as if things were normal again. Like before I saw May in the woods...........

******* 1 Week Later*******

It was early in the afternoon, I was in the basement, beating a dummy to a pulp. We were 1 week away from the battle and I was stressed. I think I was the only one awake right now. I kicked and punched the dummy, each time leaving a mark. I swung my foot and hit the dummy one lastt time. It burst open, pieces of metal flying everywhere. I breathed heavily. I walked towards the basement stairs, wanting to go see Toby. The I remembered that he was still asleep. I sighed.

Toby has been so busy lately. I understand that he has new responsibilities and stuff. We haven't had much time to spend together. I wiped the sweat from my forehead.

Suddenly, the atmosphere around me turn strangly cold. I shivered and looked around. The light above looked like it was about to go out. It set off a very low glow. Calm down, Abigail. It's probably nothing.

Suddenly, I was shoved, sending me falling to the floor. I shot my arms out in front of me, breaking my fall. I jumped to my feet in an instant. "Who's there"?

I heard a low, evil-like chuckle then I was falling again. I felt my back hit the floor and then there was something hovering over me. My eyes widened in fear at the face of Thomas. He immediatly began ripping at my shirt.

"Stop"! I yelled. He only sneered at me and tore apart my shirt. I kicked and punched and shoved at his chest. "Get off! Get off, get off, get off"! I repeated these words, struggling for dear life as he began ripping at my jeans. "STOP"!

Suddenly, the basement door burst open and Toby ran in. He stood at the foot of the stairs for a moment before running towards us at lightning speed. He sent Thomas flying across the room. I have never seen Toby so pissed off before. Toby stalked towards him as Thomas got to his feet. I stared wide-eyed at them. Toby grabbed Thomas by the throat, snarling loudly. I heard footsteps on the stairs but I ignored them.

"You wouldn't kill your own father, would you", Thomas said in a raspy voice. "Why protect her? You said it before. She's the enemy. She can't be trusted".

Toby snarled again. "You are no father of mine". I saw him tighten his grip on Thomas throat. Thomas let out a weezy laugh and quickly pulled Toby into a head-lock, ready to snap his neck. I get to my feet and grabbed Thomas by the back of his shirt and pulled him to the ground. He grunted in anger as I pressed my foot against his back. I had his arm pulled back. I heard a snapping sound and his arm came off, blood spurting everywhere, staining my clothes and the floor. Thomas screamed out in pain. I looked up to see Toby standing in front of me. Chase and many others were still standing on the stairs.

Toby met my gaze and I immediatly understood. I grabbed the back of Thomas's shirt and lifted him up to his feet and shoved him towards Toby. I watched as Toby grabbed ahold of his head and snapped his neck. Thomas's lifeless body fell to the floor in a puddle of blood. Both me and Toby were breathing heavily. I stepped over the body and I threw myself into Toby;s arms. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders. My entire body was trembling uncontrollably. Suddenly, Toby lifted me into his arms as he turned to face the others. "Chase", he said. "Take care of the body". Chase nodded and he and two others walked past us. Toby carried me up the stairs and down the hall to his bedroom.

He sat me on his bed before going into his bathroom. He shut the door behind him. I heard the shower turn on. He came back out, picked me up again, and walked back into the bahroom, placing on the closed toilet seat. Steam filled the room. I looked at him, my eyes narrowing. 

"I am not showering with you", I said.

Toby laughed. "I was suggesting that", he said. "I'm going to shower in one of the guest rooms".

"I don't want to take your bathroom......."

"It's fine Abigail. Besides, after what just happened, you look like you need to shower".

I crinkled up my nose. "Do I smell"?

He chuckled and shook his head. "You are stained with blood, Love". He left the bathroom shutting the door behind him. I sighed and stripped my stained clothes and stepped into the shower. The water ran the blood off my body. A light red current of water and blood went down the drain.

After showering, I got dressed in blue denime jeans and a plain black t-shirt. I sat on the bed.

One more week, I thought. So many events have happened in such short time. Am I ready? Am I ready to face my family again? To fight against them?

What will they think when the see me on the other side? What will they say?

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