Chapter 17 - Preparing for war

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---Toby's POV---

I woke up to find Abigail lying next to me, fast asleep. I smiled. She's so cute when she sleeps. I gently pull my rms from around her and slide out of bed. She groaned quietly in her sleep and rolled over onto her side. 

I tiptoed into my closet and changed into a pair of jeans and a button up shirt. I needed to talk to Chase immediatly. I walk back into my bedroom. Abigail was still asleep. I stepped out into the hallway, closing the door behind me.

Chase is our general who trains our warriors. He has been sneaking around werewolf territory for a couple of weeks trying to find out some information about their plans. Ever since last night, we've had guards guarding the mansion just in case Thomas ever shows up. My eyes narrowed at the thought of him. Who knew that man who took care of me for years turned out to be a true monster.

I head downstairs to the basement. Chase was down there, helping one of our warriors. Chase was a skinny but strong guy. He was bald and his eyes were a weird yellow color, almost cat like. He looked in my direction as I walked over.

"Toby"! He said happily. "Good to see you"!

"Hey", I said sending a glance at the warrior. He nodded and walked off. Now that Thomas is gone, I'm in charge.

"I'm sorry about your dad, man", Chase said crossing his arms over his chest. "Who know he was capable of shit like that".

I shrugged. I really didn't want to talk about it. So, I quickly changed the subject. "Anything new"?

Chase instantly became serious. "They're planning an ambush. On the 1st on next month. They're probably going to go through that clearing behind the mansion. I say that we head them off there".

"If we only have 2 weeks, we need to train everyday", I said. "I need to discuss this with Abigail. To see if she'll  fight with us though I'd rather she didn't".

Chase raised an eyebrow at me. "Since when do you care what happens to her? Are you saying that you like her?"

"That's not the point", I snapped.

He laughed. "Oh yeah. You like her. There's no doubt about it".

"Whatever. Get everyone together. Start training immediatly". 

Chase nodded. I turned and ran back up stairs. I was heading around the corner when someone hit my chest. I lost my balance and brought whoever I ran into, down with me.

Abigail was now laying on top of me. Her eyes widened.

"I'm sorry", she said. "I was worried when I woke up and you weren't there".

I chuckled. "I'm perfectly fine. I just had to talk to Chase about the war. Actually I need to talk to you about that too". 

She stood up, looking abashed. I stood up and took her hand in mine. We went to my room and we both sat on the bed.

"Has something happened"? She asked.

"Your pack is planning on ambushing us on the 1st next month".

"But that only gives us 2 weeks", she said in a paniced toned. "And I'm not part of the pack anymore", she added harshly.

"Us"? I asked, confused. Is she.....?

"Do you honestly think I'm going to let you go to war without me", she smirked.

"Against your parents? And your sister.......". She cut me off.

"Leave May to me". He eyes darkened with anger. "I'm going to send her straight to Hell". This shocked me. Did she honestly hate her sister that much?

"So, are you going to train with us"? I asked. 

"I don't know", she said smiling. "I'm already pretty strong already". I laughed and wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her to the floor. She let out a yell. Yet again, she landed on top of me. She giggled and pecked me on the lips. As we got up, I picked her up and slung her over my shoulder.


I chuckled as I kicked open the door. "Come on. We need to join the others for training".

"And this involves you carrying me because.....". She sounded annoyed.

"AM I not aloud to carry my girlfriend"? I felt her stiffen. "Sorry if I offened you", I said quickly.

"No", she said slowly. "I just didn't think you thought of us like that". I set her on her feet in front of me.

I raised an eyebrow."Why wouldn't I"? 

She shook her head and grabbed my hand. "Come on. Let's get trained up".


Hey guys :D

So, I updated as soon as I could and I wanted to try a chapter in Toby's piont of view. I'm thinking of doing more chapters like this so tell me what you think!!!

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