Two Creeps One Human

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After making his makeshift bed Sans couldn't sleep.
He knew he bought you new clothes and that you were wearing clean pajamas....
He quickly sat up and walked towards his dirty hamper. His conscious shouted at him to STOP. To stop being so lewd, possessive and crossing boundaries.

You were a person to respect. A woman that deserved dignity and kindness yet...that was the problem.
Not that you were a women but you were a HUMAN women.
As if Sans wasn't obsessed with anthropology and everything humans did. Meeting you was a gift from heaven.
He needed to take advantage and savor every second of this!
Sans thought the two of you were destiny.
He saw you, became friends with you and knows every detail about you and now...
He believes you are no one else's business.
He stared intensely at the laundry basket, foolish thoughts clouded his mind. The voice of reason in him was being drowned out by the thought of you.

' There's no need for such disturbing measures! '

He shook his head, ignoring this voice.

' No. This is the first time I have ever seen a female human, I must savor it. I must hold onto it and experience everything she has to offer! '

He made his decision, digging through the laundry basket.
His blue pupils once again, turned purple as he found her dirty shirt, holding onto it with an iron grip.
His smile widened as he immediately burying his face into your old laundry.
He took in deep inhales, desperately pulling in your scent.
He was enjoying this...
He drooled on your shirt, snorting in your smell as if it were drugs.
This was fun to him now. Enganging in inappropriate behavior with the chance of being caught made him feel alive.
A shiver ran up his spine, causing his bones to rattle a little too loud.

" "

His eyes widened in horror at the sound of you, quickly throwing the shirt back in the hamper and turning around to look at you.
Still asleep.
He felt a slight bitterness towards you like you were the one not doing what you're supposed to be doing.
How dare you make it harder for him to be a secret pervert?
The idea of getting caught was fun...
The consequences that would follow after... not so much. So he knew to be careful but for his own enjoyment he'll take risks here and there.
He took you stirring in your sleep as a warning and sadly crawled back onto the blankets on the floor.

He layed down in a comfortable position and 'coincidentally' faced you. His eyes landed on your face, as he began to think about how cute you were when sleeping.
You were so perfect and so vulnerable like this, he could watch you for hours.
It should stay like this.
Him, your only true friend. Others would try to get close but you'll always choose Sans no matter what.
People would be jealous.
But they didn't matter! Because you two would be best friends!

He blinked, he was going through a very weird phase right now.
He realized that these possesive thoughts weren't normal but they felt so good to him and he didn't understand why.

-The Next Day-

Sans had woken up late- or at least later than usual. He fluttered his eyes open.
And sat up quickly.

"W-what time is it?!"

He asked, looking over to his alarm clock. It was 9:57.

"10 o'clock already?!?"

He exclaimed surprised at himself. He wondered why he woke up so late. His own bedtime was 8:00 so he can wake up at 5:00 with as much needed rest.
He thought back to last night, reflecting on how much time he spent licking your fork, watching you sleep and smelling your clothes.

He smiled to himself.

'Oh...that's right, my amazing hu-'

his thoughts got interrupted with the realization that you weren't in his bed. He sprang up to his feet, quickly putting on his indoor clothes and bursting out his bedroom door. His feet loudly stepped down stairs, looking frantically for you before going into the kitchen. He ran to the kitchen, stopped and casually walked in.

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