Chapter 4

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I was hangin' out in the gas station where Two-Bit worked until his shift was over. I knew he would be heading to the Curtis's house after grabbing a beer.

"Well I'm gonna pack up and head over to Darry's." Two-Bit said.

"Cool. See ya later." I left the gas station and began walking to the lot to watch the sunset while it was still there. As I was getting closer, I saw someone heading into the woods. I went to check it out.

I ran to get closer to her she turned around and hit me right in the stomach. I couldn't breathe. I looked up at her. She was wearing a white shirt, shorts, a leather jacket, and red Chuck Taylors. Her red hair was curled and her bangs pinned back. Wow.. After she helped me up I thought it would be cool to introduce her to the gang. She seemed nice and if Dally wasn't drunk, he might want to meet her... being from New York and all.

They all seemed to like her and I think she liked them because she blushed a lot. And of course Dal came in drunk and slobbery.. She laughed but I could tell she was real shy. I thought that maybe... it would be better if Pony and I just took her to the lot. I knew Pony would like her... She was one of those girls that were gold, in the moment, not scared of anything and not scared to be who she was... I doubt she was nervous about meeting the gang and it was pretty hot that I knew for a fact, I wouldn't have to worry about her with the Socs. I'm sure she can handle herself, actually I'm positive.

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