Chapter 1• How it Started

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The group of four warily walk inside the mysterious castle. The Red lion had taken them there, and they're only choice was to walk inside. As they do, lights starts to turn on instantly, illuminating a large hallway in front of them.
Pidge stares in front of her with wide eyes. "Do we.. go that way?"
Keith shrugs. "I guess so?"
Shiro's eyes narrow in suspicion. "Alright, but be careful. I don't know how to feel about this."
Hunk sighs. "This is a bad idea guys.."
The four walk down the hallway, Shiro in front. After a few minutes, they end up walking into a large room.
Pidge looks around and pokes at a strange table. "Is this a control room?"
Hunk shrugs. "Who knows?"
Just as Hunk finishes, three blue pods rise from the ground. The left one opens, revealing a woman with dark skin and long, white hair. There are pink markings on each of her cheeks. She wears a white, blue and pink dress and a gold crown on her forehead.
Her eyes shoot open, followed by a small gasp. She looks around, stumbling out and shrieking when she sees the four. "WH- WHO ARE YOU?!"
Shiro raises his hands in surrender. "We-"
Suddenly the right pod opens, revealing a smaller man with orange hair and a large moustache. He has the same marks as the woman, and wears a blue and yellow outfit.
His eyes open slowly, and he stiffens, jumping out of the pod. "INTRUDERS!!"
Pidge's eyes go wide. "H-Hold on just a minute-"
The woman walks up to Shiro and grabs his collar, looking both angry and terrified. "Who are you and why are you in my castle?!"
Shiro tries to stay calm and explains. "W-We were brought here by a giant lion.. thing! We don't know, okay?! I'm Shiro, I'm a human from planet Earth. And you?"
"Hmph. Explains the weird ears." The orange haired man says, messing with his mustache.
Keith raises an eyebrow, but doesn't question it.
The woman scowls and lets him go, crossing her arms. "I'm Allura. Princess of planet Altea. What do you mean a lion brought you here?"
"A cool, huge, red robotic lion! Keith found it in a cave and it flew us all here!" Hunk says.
Allura's eyes go wide. "How do you have one of the lions?!"
"What are you talking about?" Keith questions.
"Princess, the Prince's pod is still closed." The orange haired Altean interrupts.
Allura walks over to the pod. "Coran, see if there's a button on the control panel to open these."
Coran does some sort of salute and walks off to the control panel. "On it!"
Pidge raises her eyebrows. "Can you explain?"
Allura walks over to the four and sighs. "This lion you found is part of a powerful weapon called Voltron, created my father."
Shiro's eyes go wide. "So that's what they want?"
Allura looks over at him, confused. "Who?"
"The Galra."
Allura's eyes go wide. "They're still alive?! Oh, no.. well, yes. Probably so. They want it because it's the only thing that can defeat them. That's why we'll need you four and possibly one of us to form Voltron and defeat them once and for all."
Keith shakes his head. "No way. I want to go back to Earth!"
Pidge steps up. "Yeah! I have family there!"
Hunk nods. "We have school!"
"If you leave, we can't form Voltron, which means the Galra will still continue to attack and take over innocent planets. Earth could be included." Allura explains.
Shiro's eyes go wide. "Well, why us? Can't you find someone else?"
Allura shakes her head. "The lions have chosen you, for some reason. We need you, and you only."
Pidge sighs. "If.. if it means protecting my planet. I'm in."
Hunk nods. "...Me too."
"I guess I'm in too, then." Shiro says, with a smile.
"Why not.." Keith scoffs.
Coran reaches the control panel and continues to press buttons, trying to find a way to open the middle pod.
Keith looks over at the pod curiously and walks up to it. The shadow of a tall, buff boy stands inside. "Who's this?"
Allura walks behind him and looks up, her eyes sparkling. "This is Prince Lance. He's my twin brother."
Coran nods, still pressing buttons. "I think I got it. Give me a second."
Keith looks up in wonder. "He's rather tall."
"He is! He got our father's genes. Lance is also a very good fighter like him. But he has most of our Mother's personality. He's sensitive, shy, and kindhearted." Allura says excitingly.
"Sounds like a handful." Keith states.
Suddenly, the pod slowly opens up, revealing the Altean boy and making his features more clearer. He has tanned skin like Allura's, brown hair with white tips, and the same teal marks on his cheeks. Though, he has blue swirl-like marks all over his legs and arms, which glow in the dim room.
Pidge's jaw drops, followed by Keith's eyes widening and Hunk tilting his head in curiousity.
Lance's eyes flutter open slowly, shooting wide open once he's aware of his surroundings. Lance stumbles out of his pod and reaches for his sword, drawing it and pointing it at Keith's neck. "WHO ARE YOU?!"
Keith takes a step back, eyes wide. "Uh-"
Allura comes up behind him and knees Lance in the gut, taking his sword and pointing it at him. "Lance! They're friendly!"
Lance raises an eyebrow and snatches his sword back, almost completely unfazed by the impact. "How was I supposed to know that?!" He looks over at Keith and narrows his eyes. "What even are they? Why are they here?"
"They're humans from planet Earth. Red brought them here."
At that, Lance's eyes go huge. "They.. wha? How do they have Red?"
Pidge walks up to Lance and puts her hand out. "Nice to meet you, Prince! I'm Pidge. The nervous guy is Hunk, the tall one is Shiro, and the mullet-haired guy is Keith."
Lance looks down at her and takes her hand, shaking it. "Nice to meet you all." He looks up at everyone else, eyes stopping at Keith.
Lance wouldn't ever admit it, but boy, that kid had good looks.
Keith raises his eyebrows. "Hi?"
Lance blinks and looks away. "So, um.. what now?"
Allura smiles. "Well, we need to locate the other lions and form Voltron again."
Lance holds up a finger. "Problem, there's only four of them, and five lions."
"Then one of us will pilot the remaining lion." Coran states. "Probably one of you two."
Allura nods and walks up to the control panel, a large holographic screen appearing in front of her. "The Back lion is here in the castle. Yellow and Green are on a nearby planet, which is known to be pretty peaceful. Though, I can't locate Blue." She looks back at the four humans behind her. "Obviously, Keith here will pilot Red. Shiro, you will pilot Black and lead the team. Pidge, green. Hunk, yellow. As for Blue? That will be either Lance, Coran, or me. Pidge and Hunk, here's the coordinates to the lions to the planet. Keith will take to there. The rest of us will stay here."
Everyone nods in response.
Allura smiles and raises a fist in the air. "Let's reform Voltron and take down the Galra empire! Once and for all!"
Date: June 12, 2018
Word Count: 1243

Voltron-Altean Lance AUWhere stories live. Discover now