Chapter 17

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Their breathing was getting heavier and their kissing was getting sloppier by the second.

They had been kissing for about eleven and a half minutes now. They ended up on their backs. Well, Jess was on her back and Ashton was kind of laying on top of her. He kept one arm wrapped around her waist and used the other to support himself so he wasn't crushing her.

Jess had both of her hands wound into his loose curls, keeping her legs hooked around his waist. She was letting out small moans and gasps every once and a while as Ashton continued to grind his hips into hers.

They knew how wrong it was but they were too caught up in the moment to stop. They just hoped no one would walk in on them. Which is exactly what happened next.

"Jess? Ash? Are you still in- oh. Um... I guess you are...." Calum said awkwardly as he entered the room, nervously placing a hand on the back of his neck.

"Calum!" Jess said, pushing Ashton off of her and trying to tame her now even messier hair. Ashton coughed uncomfortably as he stared at the ground, a pang of guilt hitting him, it was obvious how he was feeling from the expression he wore.

"Um, well. I guess I'll, uh, get going then...." Calum spoke, turning back towards the door.

"No wait!" Jess pleaded.

He turned back towards them and just kind of stood there waiting for her to say something else, but she didn't. She had no idea what to say! She just didn't want the day to continue. Why'd Ashton have to be so damn good at distracting her from being upset?!

"Cal, you have to promise us you won't say anything...."

"Y- yeah, sure. I- I promise... I guess."

"Thank you." Jess spoke, letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Y- yeah, no- no problem." Cal said, attempting to give the pair a weak smile.

Calum hated keeping things secret, especially if he knew they were wrong. However, he still kept them secret, no matter how much it ate away at him.

The worst part was, all of the guys knew how much he hated being the "secret keeper" but still burdened him with keeping them.

"Um.... I think I'm just gonna go back to watching TV now...." And with that, he was gone.

"Well... um..." Ashton tried.

"Listen, as far as everyone else knows, nothing ever happened. Okay?" Jess spoke calmly.

"Okay." Ashton said quietly.

They sat awkwardly on opposite sides of the bed in silence for a couple minutes before either of them spoke. Jess was the first to break the silence.

"Fuck it." she spoke.

He had just barely heard what she had said before she pounced on him. This kiss was much like the last one, but a lot neater.

Their mouths worked hungrily against each other as she positioned herself so that she was on top of him. He slipped his hands under the fabric of her shirt and rested them on her hips, while she rested hers on the nape of his neck.

They pulled away for a quick second so that Ashton was able to remove Jess's jacket (which she still hadn't taken off), and Ashton's shirt (which he had decided to put back on when they got back from the hospital).


"Hey, I fixed it." Luke spoke proudly to Calum.

Calum looked down to see a now sleeping Michael, lying on the floor.

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