Mission 001

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A simple mission, that's what (Y/N) had been told. The job was to infiltrate a rogue space colony that had been trying to reverse engineer metroids much like what was done on the bottle ship almost four years ago, but was foiled due to Samus even if she was going through a phase that she whole heartedly denied.

He looked at his armor the familiar (SF/C) visor staring back at him while the (F/C) metal plating simply shined lightly from the lights, he then focused on the armor making it appear onto him as he looked at his free hand clenching and unclenching his fist as a flash of dark electric blue covered him and his visor for a brief moment before returning to normal as he shook his head.

The ship flashed for a moment as a feminine voice rang through the hull "Approaching target, prepare for docking." it said in a monotone voice making the voice sound robotic but at the same time like an uninterested person "Thank you." (Y/N) replied only for him to receive no response other than a light green flash, he sat in his chair as he took over control of the ship and began to guide it slowly into the station.

The docking bay was dark as the ship glided in gently landing before he exited causing his suit and visor to be the only lighting in the area, he pressed a button on his helmet causing a message to pop up notifying him that it was recording, something his mother never did which would save her some hassle when it came to the Federation.

He jumped down and began making his way to the door with the metallic thudding of his boots being the only sound heard as the thuds echoed around him, the door opened with a clunk granting him access to the next room which looked to be a registration office to have people sign in before proceeding further into the station but like the docking bay it was dark and silent as well as a mess with the desk and chairs strung askew through the makeshift office, banging came from the next room causing (Y/N) to grip the base of his cannon as he began to make his way to the side of the door.

He kept his shoulder close to the wall as the door slowly opened revealing a woman in a lab coat hitting something with piece of metal slowly he turned the corner keeping his aim locked onto her "Ma'am." he said announcing himself causing the woman to turn allowing (Y/N) to see a slightly crazed look in her eye which turned to fear as her eyes landed on the armored teen "WHO ARE YOU?! HOW DID YOU GET HERE!?" she screamed as she backed away while (Y/N) slightly lowered his cannon "Ma'am, you need to relax. I won't come closer until you say I can, but you need to take a breathe and calm down." she took deep breathes "How can I trust you?" she asked in a shaking voice "Answer me!" she shouted.

He lowered his weapon slightly "I'm a bounty hunter assigned to stop whatever is occurring on this colony, and bring anyone to the Federation." "I ASKED WHO YOU WERE NOT WHY YOU'RE HERE!" she shouted as she raised the metal like she were ready to attack "Calm down or I will put you down, put the weapon down. Now." his tone was deadly and cold that would even make the most cold blooded person freeze, he raised his cannon keeping his aim locked on her head "You don't need to know who I am or how I got here, but what do need to know is if you don't calm down I will fire." fear occupied her features as she began to shake.

She gripped the metal tighter as her knuckles turned white while she gritted her teeth before she began to charge towards (Y/N) and not even after her first step a shot was fired leaving a headless corpse while the metal clattered to the ground, he then moved forward as if nothing happened not even sparing a glance at the fresh body or the one she was beating.

Room after room hour after hour all that was left of the people who lived and worked on the station were either dead, or missing, with no trace to be found of who or what could've killed or taken them, all that remained were signs of struggles and claw marks unlike that of an animal or any alien creature he had seen before as they somehow looked human like.

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