Chapter 12

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Yang had fallen into a depression bout again, sadly this had become something of a normal routine while (Y/N) was working on his ship Ruby had woken up after snow had fallen. 

When (Y/N) went inside he heard Yang give a quiet shout causing him to run up and see what was wrong only to find Ruby looking sad as she left "I love you." she said quietly turning then bumped into (Y/N) "Hey Ruby." "Oh hey (Y/N). When did you get here?" "About a month ago, same day Yang woke up." he then led her to the stairs where he sat down and she joined him "Listen, Yang has been like this for the past month and it's totally normal. It's part of healing from something traumatic, so don't worry about her response she'll be in action in a little bit all she needs is time then you and her can go save the world together." Ruby suddenly hugged (Y/N) who initially didn't know what to do, he gave a chuckle and rubbed her head "What about you (Y/N) aren't you going with us?" he smiled gently pushing Ruby away "Only if Yang wants me too." "Of course she will, your her boyfriend!" (Y/N) smiled stood up while ruffling her hair "Though thats true it'll be awhile before she's ready to get back out there, in the meantime I'll wait for Yang to take things at her own pace like I have before." he then walked back up the stairs seeing Yang looking out over the fresh snow, seeing her like this made (Y/N) somewhat sad quietly he walked over and sat on her bed "It's nice out there today." he said softly earning a slight nod from Yang "You know, I was thinking about heading up to space after the ship is repaired. I was wondering if you wanted to come along?" she didn't answer causing him to sigh, he scooted closer to her and gently laid his head on her shoulder while she laid her's on his head. 

"I know this isn't exactly what normal people say, so it's a good thing I'm not normal. I am so proud of you, and nothing can change that solely because you are you. And even though people change I know you'll always change for the better, so take your time and grow strong." he said gently as he stood he kissed the top of her head and turned to leave only for her to grab his arm "How do you do it?" he sat back down hugging her close "How can you be okay after everything that you've done and seen?" he gave hollow chuckle as he wrapped his arms around her waist "Who said I was, Yang it isn't what you experienced that makes us lose ourselves it's whether or not we allow ourselves to lose it. What you're going through is absolutely normal and I've been through it too but I always thought that if I lose myself, who could do what I do? Saying that means that there will never be another me so I have to do my absolute best to make sure I did what I could, there's no other Yang Xiao Long and there never will be so take your time there's no need to rush." he said lovingly causing her to nuzzle into his chest and nod. 

As the days turned into weeks later turning into months Ruby left with what remained of team JNPR three months later their destination being Haven Academy, on that day Yang was in a depression bout once more but it was stronger as she watched her sister and friends leave but looking over at the treeline was the familiar shine of (Y/N)'s ship where she saw him walk towards the house with what looked to be a mutated dinosaur that she knew was his metroid but in his hands was something she couldn't make out, when he came in she found that the thing he was holding was a small box "(Y/N) what's that?" he smiled and opened it showing a small dragon pendant on a gold chain "For you, I saw it and thought it suited you." she tackled him into a hug almost knocking him down "Easy dragon." he said teasingly as he kept them from falling and brushed her hair with his hand. 

Tai had just come back from the store along with a little something extra revealing it to be a prosthetic arm one of the newer models as well when Yang saw it she hesitated, but said given time she would use it as she walked up the stair going to her room walking in there sat (Y/N) with his helmet in his lap and what looked like a case of torture tools "What're you doing?" she asked curiously causing him to look up and smile "Fixing my helmet, I've been in a pod of Phazon since the fall and was more worried about you than my armor, besides it's finished." he turned it showing where it had been cut was completely fixed the set it down on his chest piece as Yang walked forward placing the prosthetic on her nightstand and rested her head on (Y/N)'s shoulder "I don't know what to do." she said with sadness in her tone (Y/N) knelt down in front of her gripping her shoulders "You don't need to know what's right and what's wrong, what you need to know is. Are you willing to stay laying down on the ground in the rain waiting for the sun or are you willing to go out there and make it sunny again?" he finished with determination in his eyes which Yang felt flow into her but still felt an overwhelming amount of self doubt and she feared that he saw it and her fear of him seeing her doubt became reality as his now raspy voice continued "It's alright to doubt yourself sometimes, but now isn't one of those times. Act or don't act that's entirely up to you." he said as he place a gentle kiss on her forehead before laying down next to her "You'll make the right choice." he said as he pulled her to him holding her close in a bear hug. 

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