Chapter 10

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Everything had gone to hell as Pyrrha had killed Penny not on purpose but it didn't change the result as fear spread faster than any plague known to mankind, all the while (Y/N) was on top of the arena telling his ship to begin firing at the airborne Grimm as he stayed and opened fire at the incoming Nevermore only for it to sweep him with it's wing knocking him back but quickly recovered as it began to break the shield, as he ran to it to attack again the Nevermore broke through the shield and landed in the arena he jumped down rolling away from the Nevermore only to see Ruby ran at it with a sword "You idiot don't!" she was about to get hit but was saved by the rocket propelled lockers, or rpl as (Y/N) had started calling them, as he saw Ruby's friends coming to help he ran out of the arena and saw Grimm coming from all sides as well as White Fang "What the hell?" he jumped down and used his thrusters to occasionally slow his decent. 

When he landed chaos was all around as the students defended Beacon, (Y/N) raised his cannon and began firing rapidly taking down numerous White Fang as well as Grimm soon there were few left that he could see giving him time to answer his communication line that only Yang was allowed to use "Yang!" "(Y/N) have you seen Ruby?" "Last I saw she was in the arena with the rest of your friends, then I came down to the courtyard to fight, so I don't know where she's at right now. I'm sure she's fine." he said shooting another Grimm in the head with a charged shot "Where are you?" he asked dodging some incoming fire "I'm by the cafeteria." "Get to the courtyard and help protect the front." with that he ended the call and moved to a different area. 

He found the rest of team CFVY and they looked like they needed some help, (Y/N) started building speed as his speed booster activated and when he was close enough he shine sparked a good portion of the White Fang then began to shoot as fast as he was able, he then saw a Grimm that had taken a heavy hit so he charged forward spun it around knocking some of the closer Grimm back then slammed it into the ground and fired a shot into it's head "Remind me not to piss you off." he looked over and saw the team had taken out a good portion where they were allowed breathing room and Coco was walking up to him "So, enjoying the party?" "You mean my job, only as long as I get paid but that isn't top priority." he responded hoping to end the conversation and move on to a different area but earned a nod then Coco walked off. 

Yang was fighting Grimm and White Fang but all she could think about was her friends, her sister, and (Y/N) the last less so as he had been fighting since Samus found him, as she made it to the courtyard she saw that it was covered in blood and the black dusty remains of Grimm but looking around she saw there were very few left but they were retreating while yelling something about an armored monster, she looked to the direction they were running from seeing (Y/N) who was charging his power beam but suddenly it was replaced by a missile that was bigger than the normal ones he'd use, he then fired blowing the rest of the White Fang away he then walked to Yang who hugged him briefly "I'm glad your okay." she said "Don't worry about me, are you okay?" he asked worry lacing his voice earning a nod from Yang "Yeah just worried about the others is all." (Y/N) nodded then went back to fighting on the front while Yang watched him run off she had a small smile as she was proud to have someone so strong. 

The Atlesian knights had turned on the huntsmen and huntresses causing numerous casualties "If it's one thing I've learned, never trust robots." (Y/N) said to no one in particular as he shot another knight's head off with his wave beam as he made his way back to the courtyard taking out any knights he saw, he made it back to the bullhead docking area and started running as fast as he could triggering his speed booster in an attempt to shine spark back to the top of the cliff, thankfully it worked as he landed on the docking area then began to make his way back hoping that his friends were okay. 

Yang began looking for Blake in the cafeteria area where she had heard from Weiss that this was where she was last seen and had been calling her name when she heard a scream looking over where she heard it only to be met with a sight that angered her to a whole new degree as she saw Adam Taurus with his sword in Blake's side "Get away from her!" she shouted while dashing to him to punch him, but then her right arm felt numb and she felt cold as sudden tiredness came over her as she struggled to stay awake the last thing she saw was Adam walking towards them ready to finish them but as he swung his sword a clang was heard, and she saw (Y/N) with his left eye showing through a crack that had been made by Adam's sword. 

The look in his eye was that of absolute fury as it changed from it's normal (E/C) to the electric red and blue color of the Phazon that was coursing through his entire being as the tendrils came and covered his armor changing it to a dark electric maroon, he didn't say a word he just raised his arm cannon and what seemed like hundreds of shots were fired causing Adam to jump back but before he knew it he was hit with a bright electric bluish red beam that hit him in the stomach causing him to fall back as blue electricity covered his stomach. 

When (Y/N) looked back at Yang and Blake they were gone causing him to sigh in relief and calm down somewhat but when he saw that Adam had gotten away he gritted his teeth and began to walk away leaving behind Phazon electricity that faded after he took his next step, as he made his way to the courtyard he saw Yang and Blake laying down with Yang unconscious causing his anger to grow somewhat which was evident to more Phazon changing him to how he looked when Cardin had drugged Yang, he walked up and held her close to him he removed his helmet showing the mandibles forming around his mouth as his hair had changed to a dull electric purple, Blake looked up at him "I'm sorry." she uttered quietly as tears streamed down from her eyes "Don't be." (Y/N) said as he laid Yang down gently, his voice sounded twisted and distorted as he walked away placing his helmet back on as the visor had now changed into a Y shape. 

He made it to the top of the tower where the dragon was as well as Cinder Fall who supposedly hailed from Mistral "Ah if it isn't the space warrior all of Beacon kept talking about." "Bounty hunter actually." (Y/N) corrected as he kept his cannon down but walked sideways as Cinder did the same "You could always join us, I'm sure my mistress would love to have you on our side." (Y/N) stopped when the dragon was behind him, he hunched over and started laughing making Cinder irritated but before she could ask what was funny he had turned around and jumped onto the dragon firing uncountable shots at it's head causing it to roar in pain and start flying trying to shake off (Y/N) who dug his now clawed hand into it's skin continuing to shoot it's head before he aimed for it's eye making it scream and squirm, it then rammed (Y/N) into the tower where he fell and landed on his back with a grunt of pain but before he could recover large amounts of rubble and debris fell on top of him causing him to lose consciousness. 

It had been almost five hours when Qrow was finally able to get his nieces to Patch where they were recovering but (Y/N)'s ship had somehow crash landed near their house as well with very little damage on the outside but on the inside the screen had a warning that the remote for the ship had been disabled without any set landing paths so it crash landed when a Grimm had knocked it out of the sky, Qrow was walking around the remains of Beacon hoping to find survivors but after almost two hours of searching and avoiding Grimm he had given up and was about to leave until he saw an electric glow, finding the source to be a giant cluster of red and blue semi liquid substance that smelt absolutely horrid but before he could get any closer he heard something move inside it as it began to tear at the substance and before he knew it a (F/C) armored hand with (SF/C) highlights on the knuckles popped out of the substance reaching for the sky then the hand clenched into a fist as it did a (E/C) eye appeared that began to look at the surroundings then it spotted Qrow causing the pupil to grow where it covered the color of the eye that was then accompanied by an almost guttural growl.

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