Chapter 1

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"Team RWBY please come to my office." Ozpin's voice rang throughout the entire school the team members looked at each other and began heading to the headmaster's office, upon arrival the first thing they saw was a 6'8 armored person looking right at them with his cannon pointed at them "It's alright Mr. Aran, that's the team I called." the man lowered his weapon the one in red spoke first "OhmygoshyourweaponandarmorissocoolcanIlookatitandmaybetryitoutsometime!" she said it so fast no one but the one in yellow understood "I'm sorry about her, hi I'm Yang the one that just talked like a hurricane is my sister Ruby, she wanted to know if she could look at your weapons." she said with a happy tone of voice, the man looked at the one he now knew as Ruby who nodded confirming what her sister had just said to which he held out his cannon and she began looking at it from all angles until she hit her head on his rib causing a clang to be heard "Oooow." she whined the man knelt down to her level examining her head where she hit it "Only a bump on the head, you'll be fine." she looked at his visor and only saw her reflection. 

The man stood up again pointing his fingers at his head causing the helmet to glow showing the girls his features penetrating their souls with his eyes "My name is (Y/N) Aran I'm a bounty hunter as well as your new mentor." immediately Yang was fawning over the hunter "Wow, you're a looker." he looked towards her "Thank you, I like your hair." she smiled and thanked him he then looked back at the one in white and the one in black "You two have been awfully quiet, what're your names?" he asked the one in black approached first "I'm Blake it's nice to meet you." they shook hands then the one in white stepped forward "I'm Weiss Schnee, a pleasure." she did a little curtsy he returned the gesture by bowing his head a little, "Wait you said mentor, what'd you mean?" (Y/N) looked at Ruby as it was her who asked "I'm going to teach you how move in combat, as well as how to function as one mind." they all nodded while he turned to Ozpin "I'll have them show me to the forest thats the best place for what I'll be teaching them." Ozpin nodded while Glynda stayed silent while they left. 

At the forest (Y/N) put his helmet back on during the elevator ride to the first floor "So (Y/N) what's first?" he looked at Yang and answered "I want all of you to attack me so I can get a grasp of where to begin." they nodded activating their weapons while (Y/N) changed his beam to the power beam charging it as soon as the weapon was changed and began unleashing his assault on the team "Hey we weren't ready!" Weiss shouted at him he looked at her and fired his weapon at her feet causing her to fall back "Do you think an opponent will let you get ready, with only a few seconds I have beaten you. Always be ready no matter what you must be ready to attack, to defend, to move out of the way of an incoming attack, to kill." he said the last word darkly as if it were forbidden then Ruby put in her comment "But we're huntresses, we don't kill people." (Y/N)'s head snapped to her direction "What are you?" "H-huntresses." he locked eyes with her "Hunters are people who seek and kill or obtain, no matter how people pretty up the definition it is the same hunters and huntresses seek something and kill or obtain it. Killing is part of the job that will never change." he said making the small leader somewhat sad, Yang started to yell at him "What is your issue?" he looked at her "My issue is that people who don't know what they sign up for usually get a rude awakening, I'm only telling you four what to expect. What I'm going to teach you is going to make you question everything you know about yourselves, your friends and family, as well as your moralities. At some point you will fight for your lives, then and only then will you realise it is either you or your opponent, I'm teaching you to make sure it's your opponent." he finished as he looked at each of them but mostly at Ruby who had the look of being told that cookies no longer existed, she was sitting on the ground and he knelt to her level "When I was your age I took my first bounty, I ended up activating a self destruct sequence on the shuttle, the only thing that survived was a creature that is now secure on my ship." he stood up offer her a hand which she took so he could pull her up "Start over, sheath your weapons and when I turn around draw them." with that he walked away but not before he heard Yang say something along the lines of "You're terrible for ruining her innocence." he stared at a tree a few yards away from the girls, he quickly around and they unsheathed their weapons faster than last time but not before he started to fire at them causing them to dodge and return fire, but when they couldn't find him they stopped looking for him until they heard a strange sound when they turned around they were greeted with a flurry of shots ending the fight. 

When they finished with combat they went to a nearby waterfall "Here I will teach you how to train your mind, did you bring something to wear in water?" they shook their heads causing him to sigh when he got an idea "The first one to get their swimwear and return will get to finish early and swim for the remainder of the lesson, here's the catch no aids as in no speed boost, I'm looking at you Ruby." this caused the other three to snicker before he continued "If you do use a aid such as your weapons or your abilities you will have to continue the lesson for an extended amount of time as well as clean my entire ship, clear?" they nodded and got ready to run "Go." he shouted and they sped through the forest but they didn't know was that he was monitoring the entire race thanks to him hacking the cameras hidden in the forest and he saw them doing exactly as he instructed until they got to the end Ruby used her speed he let out a sigh as he figured she would do that and say that she never used her speed, he told his ship to start moving to her and when it caught her he used his ship to transmit what he said through the outside speakers and told her that he saw her use her speed which made the other three laugh at how she got caught cheating, when they returned Yang was first earning swim time and last was Weiss "Alright good job Yang not only did you not cheat you won first, guess you really wanted to swim, Weiss and Blake you will finish the lesson with the normal amount of time then get to swim, Ruby you get an extra half hour of the lesson and get to clean my ship." she pouted "Alright everyone, find a place to change we're sitting in the waterfall and meditating." they did and started to sit in the waterfall as (Y/N) explained what they needed to do. 

"First while you sit in the waterfall think what water means, why is it important, what could it represent, and lastly how does it affect day to day life. Focus on these things while you meditate, I will be joining you so you can't yell at me." his armor flashed and he was left in a (F/C) suit that clung to his body making the girls blush due to the suit showing his toned body leaving almost nothing to the imagination, he walked into the water and sat under the fall until he realized the girls weren't in the water "Well come on, otherwise I'm not going to let you swim." they walked in slowly and sat under the falls "Brr it's freezing." Yang said earning a nod from (Y/N) whose eyes were closed as he slowed his breathing, the girls followed suit as they began their meditation, an hour passed until (Y/N) gave Yang the go ahead to swim while the rest stayed meditating while Yang just floated in the water thinking about what this guy had introduced her to, another hour passed and the other two were free to swim while Ruby had to stay for her punishment all the while the three other girls talked about the lesson "What do you think he's trying to teach us?" Weiss asked sounding unsure if she understood it or not "He's trying to show us the significance of something that many people take for granted." Blake answered, while Yang just stared at her reflection in the water "Or he's trying to teach us the significance of it while also telling us that without water theres no life, and it affects us everyday." Yang said not breaking her stare into the water until a voice was heard "Very good Yang, you've learned the lesson." when the three looked up they saw (Y/N) soaked looking pleased with Yang at how one short lesson taught her what it was intended to teach "Blake you were on the right path but you were focusing too much on what people use it for, Weiss you need another lesson in this area." they all nodded, after Ruby's punishment was half finished they went back to Beacon "After you all get dressed I'm going to show you how small each and everyone of us are, meet me at my ship when you're ready." with that they parted.

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