Chapter Two: Memories

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  It all started when you were about five years old and you were taken to a thrift shop by your brother. Why? Because that's where cool guys hang out, you guess. You were looking around the toy section, as any sensible kid would, and you came across a doll far in the back of the shelves. 

The doll was in a nearly perfect condition with minimal wear. Grey skin, black hair, little horns, and two red button eyes. Needless to say, you bonded with the doll almost immediately. You carried it around the store for as long as you could, and when your bro said it was time to leave, you begged him as hard as you could to get the doll for you and he complied, as the doll was fairly cheap, 6 dollars and 12 cents. You have no idea why you still remember the price, but the number was always important to you.

As soon as you had gotten home, the perfect name popped into your head, almost like magic. That name? Karkat Vantas. You have no idea what it means, you were five when you thought of it after all, but it always seemed fitting for the doll, and Karkat seemed to like it too. 

You took Karkat everywhere that you could when you were younger. He followed you around the house, out of the house, you snuck him to school in your backpack, and though it isn't really cool-guy like, you cuddled the doll when you slept. 

That was until one morning when you were Ten.  You woke up without Karkat in your arms, which wasn't unusual he often ended up on the other side of your room somehow. However, no matter how hard you looked, you couldn't find him. You checked your closet, nothing. You checked the ground, nothing. you checked under your bed, nothing. You would've looked behind your bed but at that age, you weren't strong enough yet. You checked Bro's room, nothing. You checked the microwave, just your bro's puppets. You checked the fridge, just a fuck ton of swords. You checked EVERYWHERE. But, no matter what you did you couldn't find your doll...

No, he wasn't a doll. He was your friend. You basically told him everything. You weren't scared to reveal anything to your best friend. And well, he really seemed ALIVE. You felt like you could tell what he was feeling and what he was 'saying'. Everyone else who saw you talking with Karkat thought you were insane, BUT HE WAS ALIVE TO YOU GOD DAMMIT.

And now, he's finally back. You finally found him again. When he was gone was when you started to stay up later, due to the fact that there were some weird grunts and sounds of struggle coming from somewhere in the house late at night. You never were able to pinpoint the location it was coming from but you figured it was just your bro being weird so you put on headphones and ignored it. That doesn't matter anymore, because with Karkat back you might finally be able to get some sleep. The only problem is that you've gone so many nights with barely any sleep that you no longer really need it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2018 ⏰

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