"What was all that yelling?" she asked.

 "I'm gonna beat your ass Rachel!" my dad yelled.

 My grandmother looked at us. We stood right behind her when my dad came in with belt in hand.

 "Shawn, what happened?" my grandmother asked.

 "That chick scared the hell out of me, and how did she even get here?" my dad asked.

 "That's for hanging up on me!" Rachel said.

 My dad started walking closer to us.

 "Shawn, calm down and put the belt away." my mom said coming into the kitchen with Blue in her arms.

 "But Bey-"

 Blue babbled something that none of us could understand.

 "See Blue doesn't like seeing you like this. Just put the belt away." she said.

 My dad eyed Rachel and grabbed Blue before he left out the kitchen. 

 "See Blue if it wasn't for your cousin and sister we would all be sleep." he said.

 Me and Rachel laughed as we stood behind my grandmother. My mom and grandmother looked at us.

 "All I have to say is...it was Chanel's fault." Rachel said.

 "I'm not even gonna lie, it was my plan." I said laughing.

 They just shook their heads at us and Rachel went over to my mom.

 "Thanks Auntie for letting me come." Rachel said hugging me mom.

 "No problem, how you been?" my mom asked.

 "Good." Rachel said.

 "Yeah, thanks mom for letting her come." I said.

 "You’re welcome, now let me get dressed." she said and walked out the kitchen.


 Beyoncé’s POV

 Now let me tell you, I have been all over this damn city with these kids. Thankfully Damien and Rachel found something to wear to the BET Awards but my child is picky as hell. She can't decide on anything, she's about to be wearing what I tell her to wear. She can't decide if she wants a dress or what. It's really starting to annoy me. We are at the last store and swear if she can't find anything I'm picking something out for her.

 "What about this?" Rachel said picking up an outfit.

 "No." Chanel said.

 I just sighed and sat by Damien.

 "What are you looking for?" Rachel asked.

 "I'll know it when I see it." Chanel said.

 "Chanel, sweetie this is not your wedding day." I said. "You don't have to dress up."

 "Fine!" she said and went in search for an outfit.

 Rachel came and sat down next to me and Damien.

 "You not gonna go with her?" I asked.

 "No, she's too picky." Rachel said.

 About 15 minutes later Chanel came over with an outfit. Finally, I swear she took too long.

 "Okay I got an outfit." she said.

 "Finally," Rachel and Damien said.

 "Okay, let me see what you got." I said.

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