"Well, we can all certainly agree that some people can be wild at times. Though some people can never accept fact." The host smiles, setting down some cards that were in her hands. Weren't they the questions she was supposed to be asking? Maybe they ran out of time. 


"Totally, yeah."

"I guess."

The band all agreed in unison, smiling faintly. "So," The host continued, but Keith simply wanted the interview to be over. "If you were all to choose someone in the band to kiss, who would it be?"

Everyone looked at each other, nobosy really knowing what to say. Pidge, Lance and Keith grinned and spoke all at once. "Hunk."

Hunk flushed and laughed awkwardly. Pidge giggled and spoke confidently. "Everyone wants to kiss Hunk."

Lance nodded. "Of course, anyone who wouldn't is a monster."

Keith agreed too. "I think we should each get a kiss from Hunk."

The host laughed. "A kiss for everyone in the audience!"

The band laughed while Hunk buried his face in his hands. 

"Well, that was Voltron, listen to their new album Defenders on iTunes, YouTube or in a local store! Book tickets to their tour online now! Goodnight!" 

They stood up, shaking hands with the host and waving to the crowd. As they walked off Lance wrapped his arm around Keith's waist. Keith almost scowled, the crows clearly able to see them so to cover it up Keith wrapped his arm around Pidge, ruffling her hair as Hunk ruffled Keith. They all walked off happily, that is until they got to their dressing room. 

"What the hell Lance? Are you an idiot?! If they found out we'd get in a ton of trouble with the studio!" Pidge yelled.

Lance crossed his arms. "Well, we should be allowed to do what we want. It's our relationship!" 

Hunk sighed. "Lance, we don't know how people would react."

Lance's brows furrowed. "I'm pretty sure they'd be happy. We'd get a ton of publicity!"

Keith scoffed. "So you were doing this for publicity?" 

Lance rolled his eyes. "Of course not. I was doing this so you would have less pressure."

Keith crossed his own arms in agitation. "Oh, so you're making decisions for me? You cant go off ranting about our relationship without me knowing!" 

Lance scowled. "Well, sorry. Why are you getting so defensive?" He groaned. 

"Because Lance! It feels like everything is just for publicity. Sometimes you make it feel like you're just using me for the fame!" Keith sighed, rubbing his temples as a headache began to brew. "Just... maybe you need some time to sort yourself out. And so do I." Keith sighed. He dropped his arms and looked to the ground. 

Lance's forehead furrowed. "You are not breaking up with me." 

Keith shook his head. "No, I'm not. But I'm seriously tempted to. You need to get your shit together. I don't care what else you do, just get it together. Put it in a box or a bag, I don't care, just get. It. Together."

Lance scoffed and sat down on a cushioned seat. "Whatever man. You're just not looking at the bigger picture."

Keith rolled his eyes, spinning on his heel and walking angrily out the door. Pidge and Hunk called after Keith in desperation but he slammed the door before they could follow. He could just get a taxi home. As he stormed away he bumped into Coran. 

"Great show Keith- uh, where are you going?" 

Keith looked over to Coran. He almost wanted to tell him everything and cry like a baby. Lance had always been his favorite, why should he listen? 

"Nothing, just getting a drink. You guys can leave if I'm not back by the time the ride arrives."

Coran frowns. "Now Keith, we can-" 

"Really, I can get a ride. I'm fine."

Keith continued to walk away, wandering into the extra parts room. He pulled on a jacket, not caring who owned it before slipping on a beanie. He tucked his hair into the hat before exiting through the workers exit. He checked he had his phone and wallet before he waved down a taxi. Once he arrived at his hotel he made his way to the bar rather than their room. It's not like he had the key either. He whipped out his phone and quickly dialed the one person he felt he could rely on. 

"Hello." They spoke. It had been o long since he had seen the person. He wasted to hear their voice in person and simply hearing their voice through the phone made his eyes water and his throat sting.

"Shiro..." Keith whimpered.

The line was silent for a few seconds. "...Keith?" 

Keith sniffled, planting his forehead on the cold table he sat at. "God, I wish you were here."

Shiro seemed to laugh breathily through the receiver. "Yeah, it's weird being away from each other, isn't it?"

Keith smiled. "Yeah, it sucks. Sometimes I wish you never let Coran come over for lessons."

Shiro paused for a few seconds before speaking. His voice was sometimes hard to make out from weird noises in the back ground. "Keith... honestly you need this. Even if it's rough, those guys are good for you. They're making you feel much more alive than you ever have been. And I won't always be around... so you... should learn to be strong... without me..."

Keith sighed. "I just miss the days where you would make us soup, even though I hate it, and I'd make omelettes even though I can't cook at all and you'd pretend you like them..." Keith chuckled. "But... I miss you."

Shiro sighed, his voice crackling from the noise in the back. It was a frequent rushing noise. Like... traffic, cars. "Yeah, they were good times. But my good times with you are pretty much over Keith."

Keith's brows knitted in confusion. "No, we can have more times like that when I come back to another break or when the band breaks. We won't be together forever."

"Well, you'll all be friends, right?"

Keith sighs, sitting up. He bit his lip. "Yeah, but you're my brother, you're more important."

More traffic rushes past on the other side making Keith's chest tighten. 

"But I'm not really." Keith gasps, his words hurting like a dagger being dug into his flesh. "I'm no goof, you deserve better friends Keith. But I love you, you know that, right?"

Keith's head spins. He musters the courage to speak again, his voice uncalm and shaky. "Shiro... don't do it. Whatever you're doing... stop."

The other side of the line as silent but the frequent rush made Keith know he was still listening. 

"Where are you?" Keith spoke calmly.

"Keith don't-"

"Shiro! Please don't do it! Don't... don't..." Keith trailed off, noticing people were beginning to look at him. 

"I'm sorry Keith. For everything." Shiro speaks quietly. 

"It's fine Shiro! i forgive you, but right now you can't do it. Never do it... so many people need you, especially me. You're my brother and I love you... so please..."

The line was quiet. "Okay... okay..."

And the line went dead.

So much drama, yeesh

-Patty '3'

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