"Well what about Jay?" Oprah asked.

 "I hadn't told him." Beyoncé said.

 "So he didn't know he had a child?" Oprah asked.

 "No." Beyoncé said.

 "Okay, I'll get to that later. What about when you had Blue?" Oprah asked.

 "I felt a hundred times worst." Beyoncé said. "The fact that I was taking care of one child and not the other, I felt like a terrible mother." 

 "Do you think we can bring Chanel in now?" Oprah asked.

 "Yeah, I'll go get here." Shawn said getting up to go get her."

 *Commercial Break*

 "You’re doing good Beyoncé; I know it's emotionally draining." Oprah said holding Beyoncé’s hands.

 "Yeah, but this is the last time I'm talking about it so I'll deal with it." Beyoncé said taking a deep breath.

 "Okay, we're coming off of break." A producer said.

 "Okay" Oprah said.

 *Commercial Break Over*

 "So who does Chanel look most like?" Oprah asked.

 "See for yourself." Beyoncé said pointing behind her.

 Oprah turned around and saw Chanel and Shawn.

 "Wow Jay, she looks like you." Oprah said. "Hi, Ms. Chanel."

 "Hi, Ms. Winfrey." Chanel said waving.

 "Hi, come sit next to your mom." Oprah said.

 Chanel and Shawn came and sat on the couch.

 "So Chanel, how old are you?" Oprah asked.

 "I'm fourteen years old." Chanel said.

 "About to start high school huh?" Oprah asked.

 "Yes." Chanel said smiling.

 "How did you feel about not being with your mom?" Oprah asked.

 "I mean it sucked, but when I was younger I knew she loved me and would come back." Chanel said.

 "What do you mean when you were younger?" Oprah asked.

 "Well I always knew who my mom was and what she did and I knew she left me with a relative because she didn't want me to grow up in that life. But as I got older the visits stopped coming and I gave up hope." Chanel said.

 "So when did the hope stop?" Oprah asked.

 "Probably when I was ten or eleven. She would write me letters and send me stuff but I didn't care." Chanel said.

 "So you wrote letters to her?" Oprah asked Beyoncé.

 "Yes, but just recently we found out they were tapered with so the things she saw in the letter wasn't what I wrote and I told her I never received any letters she sent and she said she wrote back to everyone." Beyoncé said.

 "So somebody really wanted to keep you guys away from each other." Oprah said.

 "Pretty much, but I take blame for everything." Beyoncé said.

 "I told her she needs to stop blaming herself." Chanel said laughing.

 "So how did you and your mother reconnect?" Oprah asked.

 Chanel laughed before she spoke.

 "Well I brought a train ticket and my friend and I came up here memorial day weekend to come see her. After she had Blue I'm not going to lie I was jealous so I came to ask questions and get answers." Chanel said.

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