Party time (Last Chapter)

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Only 11 votes 😓 gud that I'm ending the story.

Recap; they passed!

Suraj was at home, when Bhagya come home from her weekly shopping.

Suraj hears the door. He rushed down to help his mother with her shopping n was surprised to see his "parents" with her.

Bhagya; Suraj...?! Please take the shoppers.

Suraj nods. He took the shoppers n went inside the house. He was always keeping an eye on the unwanted guests.

KN; Bhagya... woh Suraj...?! He has grown up so well! U have done a great job.

Bhagya nods. Haan he has become someone special. He is made for SOMEONE Special too! Y u come?!.

Suraj comes back to the hall he too wanted to know y they come back!

Teju; no we come to say gud bye. We r leaving again. But we would be happy if we could be in touch with each other?! She comes closer to Suraj n places her hand on his cheek.

He wanted to jerk back but he could see something in her eyes... guilt n love!

Suraj didn't utter a word just then the door opens n Arjun enters in.

Suraj smiles.

Arjun was holding something in his hands. He was shocked to see his parents in his house, anger raised in him.

Arjun; Y r u here?!

KN; to see u all before we leave again to London.

Arjun; so u r leaving. Fine!. His voice was dangerous.

Teju; Suraj... we have understood that what we did was wrong n u have the full right to be angry with us!

Suraj; wait what u mean by that I have the right?!. Do u even imagine what u did?. U have made PAPA to give up his DREAM to BECOME a BOXER. U have made MAA to give up her DREAM of HAVING an OWN FAMILY!. U have destroyed 3 life's to have an easy life for urself. Not only this, u have raised up TWO STRANGERS instead of ur OWN SON.


KN; how dare u?!

Teju; enough he is right! We won't come again!

Suraj; gud there is the door u may leave!

Teju n KN left the house n the country....

Arjun; Suraj u shouldn't have said this. I'm the elder one now...?! I don't want them to curse u!

Suraj; Arrey Papa curse is a small thing they haven't even given me love till date, what does a curse of them effect me?!.

Bhagya caresses his cheek. Nothing! It doesn't effect u! Bcz U R MY SON NOTHING CAN HARM U!.

Arjun smiles. Haan Suraj u r our son! We might had to give up our dreams! But dreams can be rebuilt n the day U come into our life u have become our dream!

Suraj was happy. Btw ur son topped! 99%!

Bhagya; Haaw Suraj!! Congratulations!

Arjun; wait...! 99% how so?!

Suraj; I didn't asked Papa! But 99%

Arjun; haan one % got missing coz of ur girlfriend!

Suraj; what no..! Of course I asked n I wrote Chakor instead of C In one formula🙈.

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