reaction of action

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Hi here the update

Recap; Deep attacked Suraj who got hurt. Chakor follows him. Suraj was angry on her he considers her for all his problems as he doesn't wanted to eat she kissed him.

Chakor kisses Suraj in anger.

Suraj eyes widen - y she is kissing me? -.

Chakor eyes were closed - his lips r so soft! -.

Suraj pushes her lightly but Chakors lips were sticked on his. She pushed him n he falls back. Her kiss become a little wild but soon Suraj appreciates it his hands which were on his sides were encircling around her back. The kiss was broken by her bcz of the lack of oxygen.

Suraj was completely red 😳. He was breathing heavily. Chakor too was breathing heavily. Chakor kept sitting on his lap she made him eat by her hands. Suraj looked at her in disbelief - what is her aim? -. Chakor; Suraj eat or I... I... will repeat it!. Suraj scared but he forgot his hands which were still holding her back. Suraj shook his head n opens his mouth.

Chakor feeds him n he easily eat it in fear but what kind of fear afterall it's her love for him.

Suraj ate everything which Chakor gave him she smiled at his cute n innocent n scared face. She comes closer again. He scares n moves abit but Chakor cups his face n gave him a kiss on his nose. They hear the bell for the next class both rushed to their classes.

The day went off both reached their respective homes. Arjun; oh Suraj come play with me? Suraj shook his head he is still find out what had happen to him? Bhagya; what did u say now? Arjun; Nothing I just asked him to play with me. When he was younger he loved to play football but now he is just a bookworm. Bhagya; ur son is like this now. Maybe he will change but now he is as he is. N u have to accept it. Arjun; u r saying like I don't love him I don't care how he is but he shouldn't hide his talents.

Suraj was up in his room. He throw his bag in the corner of his room. He went through his lips 🤭 - y she kissed me? N y I liked it? -.

Chakor too reached home as usual no one was there. She is the daughter of two busy human beings who r less interested in her life than their own life's.

Chakor was in her room. She twirling around her room in happiness n fall on her bed backwards.

Her face was having a big smile 😊. She was breathing short n thinking of her Suraj.
- Suraj I gave u my first kiss! N it was just amazing -.

Both were thinking of each other.
A few days passed n Suraj was avoiding college yeah he had locked himself in his room.

Chakor was tensed. Deep crossed her way again. Tina; Deep move from our way. Deep; sshh 🤫 don't speak. I'm here to talk with Chakor. He smiles at her but Chakor felt disgust she saw Vivaan. Her face expression changed as she thought of meeting Suraj it's been a week now. But Vivaan was alone.

Deep hates it to be ignored he pulls her by her hairs. Chakor screams in pain.

Someone comes n separate them. Chakor opens her eyes. Suraj!!! 😍. Deep; smirks. Look who is back to get another gud trashing by me. Suraj was prepared this time. The principal come with the sports teacher. Mr. Raichand what is this r u misusing ur position? Deep lowered his gaze. No Sir. This boy is troubling Chakor. Chakor fumes in anger. No he hasn't u r troubling me. Deep; shut up. Suraj; u shut up! Enough of ur torture today u will pay for ur deeds.

Chakor was just admiring him. She wanted to jump on him n overwhelm him with kisses. Deep was suspended for a week. Suraj was happy finally that asshole got what he deserved.

Chakor left Tina n followed Suraj who was back on his fav place.... guess? Ya the roof 😃. Suraj was sitting on his same spot like before when Chakor came n kissed him.

Chakor comes on the roof. Suraj rolled his eyes 🙄. Chakor saw that but didn't care. She sat next to him he looked at her n she looked at him. 

Chakor; u r crazy to mess with Deep! Suraj; yeah maybe I am but what abt u? U r also crazy not to accept his offer? Chakor; Haan im Crazy but not bcz I denied his offer. Suraj; oh really then? Y u consider urself as crazy?

Chakor; bcz I'm crazy abt u!  She kissed his lips n this time he didn't moved back...

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