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Recap; Suraj n Chakor fast engagement. Imli n Chagan r cousins of Chakor.

Chakor n Suraj were in her room. Chakor pushes him on her bed.

Suraj; Chakor u heard dad! Please control over urself as I'm not sure if I could.

Chakor; ohh Suraj r u getting weak?!. U know what that mean?!.

Suraj; uhm no what?!.

Chakor comes over him. U know how much I love U?!

Suraj; haan I know. He pecked her lips.

Chakor reciprocates to him. What is the connection between ur family n my family?!

Suraj; u broke the kiss for that question?!.

Chakor nods. Tell me na?!.

Suraj; how do I know?! All I know is that the freaky Imli n her idiotically brother Chagan who were with my so called parents r here too n ur cousins...

Chakor; haan I know happy u told me!. I hate Imli she always wants to take away what belongs to me!

Suraj; what r u doing?!

Chakor; making U mine!

Suraj; what making me urs... no Chakor I'm a virgin... don't do anything to me... please baby... I need my virginity till our wedding night I have promised it to my Mom!

Chakor bites him. But I'm ur to be wife. Please let me do just a little bit of love on U.. don't worry I won't snatch ur virginity from U.. just a little bit seducing u... she kisses him n that kiss immediately changed on a smooth...

Suraj was playing with her tongue... he turns her on the bed was lying over her...

Chakor bites him.

Suraj... Ouch!!!

Chakor; Suraj u make me crazy... she pushed him n stood up.

She adjust herself.. I think we should go down n find out how they know each other.

Suraj looked at her. Chakor first u make me go wild n now u r pushing me away. Very bad of u.

Chakor smirks. Come na... please for me!

Suraj nods. He stood up n both walked n hand in hand down.

Imli n Chagan had left the house.

Bhuvaan n Arjun were sitting in the garden on the chairs.

Bhagya n Kasturi were in the kitchen.

Chakor; Maa u there?!.

Kasturi; Chakor here in the kitchen. Suraj come

Chakor; Haan Suraj is also here!

Suraj; u go look dad n uncle r in the garden I will help mom n aunty.

Chakor kisses him. U r a guuuuud man. I love U..

Suraj smiles. Hmm Haan u go... I love U too..

Suraj enters the kitchen.

Bhagya; aww my Suraj here take this.

Suraj; Aaah..

Bhagya feed him with Pakooras {fried veg}.

Suraj; mmh yummy. Thank U.

Suraj helped them while. Chakor was sitting between Bhuvaan n Arjun.

Arjun; I was a boxer once remember??

Suraj; haan we remember.

Bhagya n Kasturi come behind him.

They were all sitting together at the chairs around the table.

Arjun; when I was a boxer I newly wed man who got a child... to raise up.

Suraj looked down.

Bhuvaan; when we heard ur name Suraj we were hoping u were the same Suraj we met 18 years ago.

Arjun; Suraj u r not at fault. Okay! Don't u ever think that!

Bhuvaan; we r friends as ur parents r our friends. Actually I know ur father. I felt very bad the way they treat with u. I gave Arjun the possibility to find a job. U know u both knows each other...

Chakor n Suraj looked at each other...

Suraj; u hit me?!

Chakor laughs. Haan on ur back as u never wanted to take me on... wait that y u once shook ur head when I told u my name!

Arjun nods. Yes we got to know who u r but we weren't sure what ur parents would say as we had lost the connection with them.

Chakor; Suraj... u r my cho cho Train now u can carry me on ur back...

Suraj; aah meri kamar... my back!!!

Bhuvaan; u can't escape...

Bhagya; u know Chakor use to make ur hair...

Suraj; she still does to do!

Chakor; Come Cho cho!!!!

Suraj; I have never understood y u call me Cho Cho...

Chakor; hmm gud question?!

Bhagya n Kasturi.
Chakor u always wanted Chocolate u were just learning to speak n as u liked Suraj as much as ur chocolate u called him cho Cho...

We knew Cho once means Chocolate n Cho Cho means Suraj.

Chakor; Oh my Cho Cho... come take me on ur back now!

Suraj picked her on his back. U know how much u had disturbed me?  I have tried to forget U... but look Destiny make us meet once again.

Chakor; I love U my Cho Cho... she kisses his cheek. Ur "parents" r bad...

Suraj; but urs aren't... I like them n as they have a gud bounding with my !Parents! I'm very happy to be again ur Cho Cho.

Angry bird!!!!

Chakor; haan Angry bird... she hits him.

Suraj hmm 🤔 he moves her on his front. U love me na?!

Chakor; haan then y u ask me?!.

Suraj; say it!

Chakor; what?!

Suraj; that u love me.

Chakor; I love U Cho Cho !!!! She kisses him.

Suraj; oh my Angry Bird...  I love U too! U mad girl...

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