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Recap; raunaq - e - Ashiqui rainy love

Suraj was in his room thinking for her. Chakor too finally reached her home with a smile which was worth a million. As soon as she enters the house she saw her mother with other lady's of the high society... Chakor rolled her eyes as these women only know to gossip around abt each n everyone.

A woman saw Chakor. Kasturi look ur princess is there. Kasturi; Chakor come. Chakor puts on a fake smile. Hi mom aunties how r u? One woman; Chakor I saw on Facebook IG n Twitter that u r not daily anymore what happen?. Kasturi turns to Chakor in kind of anger. Chakor y aren't u updating anymore?

Chakor had changed her opinion on posting daily but she cannot say it loud. Woh maa I'm so busy with my studies that I totally forgot to post I just come home from tuition. Maa I'm tired I will go up n take a nap 😴. Another woman; Chakor did u gain some weight? Chakor anger raised. Haan aunty I did! Even u did grow old n have gray hairs n winkles on ur face do I mention them no naa then what is ur problem? Stay out of my life!.

She is rushed to her room to avoid her mother's scold they always pretend to be gud but they aren't they r just using the name of friendship to get better reputation.

Chakor throw her bag on the floor n slammed her book. She checked her waist - did Ali gain weight? -. She shook her head there is no need to listen to their words they do not have any sense n besides Suraj doesn't care how do I look he loves me like I am 😍.

Suraj was lying with his back on his bed staring at the ceiling. His eyes were actually looking at the imagination of Chakor who was looking at him with love 💖.

Both were thinking of each other. Hatshi 🤧.

- oh no! 😭 -

On the next day Chakor comes down she found the hall empty. Her parents were gone again without informing her. Chakor ate a toast n left.

Suraj was in college a tissue in his hand. His eyes were swollen n red like his nose poor guy has become sick in love 😂😂.

Chakor parked her car n was looking for Suraj. Her eyes met with his she waves him but Suraj was a little bit angry. Chakor was confused y he is angry?. She comes closer n he sneezes hatshi 🤧.

Chakor; oh my poor baby fall ill. She pout with her lips. Should I give u a get well soon kiss? She plays with her brows. Suraj thought abt the offer. Then denies it. It is all ur fault u wanted to teach me how to enjoy life now see I'm... he was trying to speak further but... hatshi 🤧. Now I'm ill.

Chakor grabs his arm openly now u r mine n I'm not going to share u. Pointing on Vivaan who was just looking at them in shock.

Suraj looked at him n her n said ok fine then I'm too not going to.... hatshi 🤧. Where were I? His head was pounding.

Vivaan come to his help n both Vikor made him sit on the bench. Tina comes from back. I think he doesn't wanted to share u. Pointing on Chakor. With me. If u r not going to share ur Suraj with Vivaan, right?. Suraj looked at her. Smart girl n nod.

Vivaan; uff our life's changed bcz of them n u r having a love story with her? U could have told me I would have support u by fighting against that Deep. Ya I even would have tolerate his torture for u two lovers.

Listening to his words Tina was having butterflies in her stomach. Suraj; see my true friend. Btw love story starts from yesterday. Chakor sat besides him. No for a week when I both felt sick. Suraj thought abt her kiss. He turns ur offer! Chakor looked at him confused. My offer? Which offer?. Suraj made a kiss 😙 face. Chakor blushed yeah she did she could kiss him everywhere n anytime when they r alone but in public when all eyes r on them she shies.

Suraj likes his shy gf 😊. He leans his head on her shoulder n rested there. I want to go home Suraj demanded. Chakor; is aunty at home? Sura thought work... Haan she is home he lied.

Chakor - damn it -. Okay I will drop u n she can take further care for u. Suraj was angry on himself now she won't stay. Vivaan; seems that the fever is blocking ur memory. Aunty is gone for work. Suraj; right. Chakor; oh no u will be alone no way I will stay n care for u. If u don't mind?.

Suraj shook his head. I don't mind. Tivaan were just looking at them. How cute they r 😍.

Chakor; could u please excuse us from the classes? Tina nod. Suraj: Vivaan!! He scream more then he could thought as his ears were numb. Vivaan embarrasses. Haan Suraj speak lower. Suraj: make notes n send me them. Vivaan; don't worry I will. U just take some rest.

Chakor n Suraj left college. Suraj almost fall asleep in the car when they arrived Chakor had difficulties to wake him but she succeeded.

Suraj took out his key but he let it fall as he was to weak. Chakor made him to lean against the door while she picks up the key n opens the door with care holding Suraj hand.

Both entered the house n Chakor helped him to his room. Suraj I will make some tea for u. Ok? Suraj was lying on the bed n wasn't in his sense anymore.

Chakor checked the house they were alone. She was jumping like mad now she needs to make tea. She took the water cooker n search for tea bags a teapot n a tray in which she can carry the stuff.

The tray was full she left the teapot behind. N walks up with the harmless stuff. Chakor placed the tray on his desk n rushed down to her the teapot. She also brings to bowls of water n a cloth which she dipped in the bowl. The unnecessary water she squeezed out of the cloth n placed on his forehead.

After an hour or so she was still taking care of him when he opens his eyes he saw her how she changed the water of the bowl. He admires her n smiles. She comes back with fresh water n was happy to see her Suraj awake.

Suraj has made some place on the bed to give her a place to sleep. Chakor didn't hesitate long n was lying next to him. But soon she had changed her position completely. She was now sleeping on the wall side hugging him like made n he too was hiding his face in her neck. He did give her bites n kisses she was experiencing new feelings with him.  She was hiding her face in his chest which was warm n wet but she didn't care.

Was too tired last night but here the update 🙂
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