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Have you ever noticed this weird black and white circle in Mulan and thought it was some sort of a spin top that when you spin really fast, becomes cool as shit? Thinking to yourself that it'd be a joyous toy for me to have.

Fast forward a few years and you grew up. You learned more stuff, and you did stuff without the presence of cartoons. You started reading books by accident, or because you wanted to impress that significant other in your little way. One day you stumbled upon the circle once again, still black and white. (It still hadn't been modernized. Technology moves slow in Chinese philosophy.)

And the curious we were, we looked it up, trying to understand what could this circle possibly mean, other than a horridly disfigured zebra or an upside down owl. You found out that it's got a whole lot of interesting philosophy about it!!!

It is called Yin and yang. They sound like happy Chinese twins.

It represents an important eastern philosophy. Says that in the world surrounding us, you can see good, but you can also see bad. You see light and darkness, cause I mean without darkness, who would've known what the fuck the concept of light is. You can always see both sides of something, never only one. Good and bad. (There is DC and there is Marvel. Though the new avengers movies look promising as fuck.)

Cause they're complementary. You cannot know fullness without hunger, joy without pain, love without lust or happiness without sadness. The thing about life, it says, is that just like a rollercoaster, sometimes you gotta come down to appreciate the high. If it was high all along the ride, the high would become impossible to enjoy and appreciate, cause it'd become redundant. The new medium. Color comes from black and white. (Pureness comes from sending nudes, DM me your genitals you very self-aware two legged carbon based sacks of flesh regardless of your race or color, though purple is more preferable.)

But why did we learn to elude the bad from an early age? Why do we lie to ourselves, trying to believe the perfection that we seek is real and there won't be a sting of pain?

You see cancer patients who have come face to face with their imminent death and still try to preserve all the goodness and happiness in the world for their loved ones. As if life is the ultimate disneyland.

Comes back from the hospital:

"Go and smile, lie and say I'm better than ever. Then go to bed and prepare to battle your greatest foe to this date, Insomnia. Stay awake until 4 contemplating death. Think about whether hell or hell will be your final destination. Lie to your mother, or whoever it is that gives 2 ounces of fuck about you, saying that it was just a normal checkup. I mean they're not gonna get hurt when I die. I can deprive them of sadness. Yay master plan!!".

How can we ever preserve anything when we know that:

1. The world is a chaotic place. We are but the briefest of blips in the radar of history. Left stranded in a vast universe, only to be reminded by our peers that we are destined for greatness. In a universe that could kill you and your little secrets, along with the rest of your kind in at least a million ways right now. Anything could happen, from death rays to hungry black holes. How could the idea of control be anything but the bold and unrealistic assumptions of us feeblties. (A new word by yours, the greatest. Now time for a shit joke.) Claiming you have control over your life in this crazy world, is no more sane than claiming k-pop is real music.

2. Sadness is essential to understanding happiness. (More on the mischievous and elusive "H word" later.)

The thing about life is that everyone would've gone through it differently if we had let them. They would pretty much have become post-apocalyptic badasses if we had freed them from our unnecessary protection. It is only when we preserve them and keep them away from the truth that they gain hope in the world, thinking nothing bad will ever happen to them. It gives them the expectations of a perfect world. Until when there comes a time where we can no longer protect them, no matter how hard we try, and they come crashing down, harder than they should've. The whole world starts to shatter around them. They expected life to be a happy paradise and based all their goals and beliefs on it, but after the reveal, nothing will ever be sacred or safe anymore, nothing left.

Maybe we should say: "When you grow up you're gonna get screwed over. Like reallyyyyy screwed over. But, if you get lucky, you might be able to find solace from time to time." Rather than giving the impression that something is wrong and unusual when things go don't according to our plans and shit goes awry.

So, if you're trying to find the courage to deliver bad news, you can take your friend with you to the bar, order a shit ton of booze, drink it all in a single shot, (A really big shot) get drunk like you've never been before and ask your friend to tape this note on your forehead, drive you home, and open the door while you enter like a champ, yelling " SUPRISE!".


Cause the world is dark and in order to survive it, we should understand and embrace the coldness of it first.


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