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When I woke up I looked at the time and it was surprisingly seven in the morning. When I was about to get up. I saw my brother on my room, pondering.

"Aren't you supposed to wake me up?"

"Yeah, but I ran out of ways to wake you up."

"What do you mean "ran out of ways?""

"I wanna wake you up in the most unique way possible."

"Why the hell would you do that?"

"I want to live my life to the fullest."

"I don't."

"Yeah whatever, go get ready while I'll prepare breakfast."

"Thanks alot, your a lifesaver."

After I thanked my brother, I went to my bathroom and washed myself up. I was lazy to tie my hair, so I just left it as it is. I wore my uniform and went downstairs.

"Here, eat it."

"Thanks, if you weren't here to take care and cook for me I would've died already."

"I just wanted to be a good brother you know."

"Here have some, your the one who cooked it afterall."

"Nah, I am full."

After I finished eating we went to school together. After arriving at school me and Yeseul parted our ways since our classrooms are in different places.

When I arrived at my classroom I went to my assigned seat. When I arrived at my seat, Jeno greeted me with an eye smile.

"Morning Dayuel."


"Do you have any plans this Saturday?"

"No, why?"

"Me and the others are going to the new theme park around Mark's house."

"You mean the dreamies?"

"How did you know our group name?"


"Fine I won't ask you to spill since I haven't finished my science homework because of this stupid question."

"I can help you"

I blurted out and later cupped my mouth. I later let out a small awkward chuckle while Jeno just grinned widely, unbothered.

"Really? Thanks."

"Sure, no problem."

Since I couldn't see the question, I leaned towards Jeno to see it. When I looked at Jeno's "question" it was already answered.

"Yah! You answered the question already."

"I know, I just wanted to see your face up close."

He chuckled and I let out a small sigh, in disbelief. I later looked at him and raised one of my eyebrows.

"Was that supposed to be a pick-up line?"


"Whatever, I going to the washroom."

"Alright cutie."

He winked at me after I stood up my chair. My face flushed and quickly rushed to the restroom to calm myself down.

This boy.. I swear.

When I was about to enter the washroom, I saw Yura. I was about to back away when some girls held me back.

"Oh look, whose back."

"What the hell do you want Yura?"

"I don't know."

"Stop replying with questions, I asked you first."

"You know, I wouldn't get mad if I were you."

"Yeah, it's just wasting my energy and voice to a jerk like you."

"Nobody calls me a jerk."

"But I do."

"It's a good thing it's just you and me here."

Yura grabbed my hair and she had an evil smirk. I felt some punches on my stomach and my body felt weak.

"Your just an outcast and I am the queen. Stop being with the dreamies since they're way out of your league"

"Yeah, a queen of jerks."

She was about to go psycho mode when the door opened. Revealing Jeno together with a girl.

"Yura! What the hell are you doing?"

"Um, you don't understand."

"Do you think bullying people who are close to us makes us notice you more? No! It makes us ignore you more and makes us think your a big creep. So if you keep doing this crap I won't anymore hesitate to report you to the police."

Jeno shouted as Yura stepped back, gulping. She felt scared and nervous and I can see it in her eyes. My vision was fading to black and my body gave out.


Yura was on the verge of tears and ran away with her friends. I turned to look at Dayeul and looked like she passed out. I carried her body, bridal style and walked to the nurse's office. I told HwaYoung to watch over Dayeul while I tried to tell the teacher what happened.

( HwaYoung is the girl Jeno was with when they opened the door revealing Yura and Dayuel )

When I returned to my classroom Mrs. Im was already there. When she asked where had I've been, I told her about Dayeul's case. I didn't mention Yura's name since I don't want to cause more drama about it.

Mrs. Im nodded as she made me sit down for class. I couldn't skip class and made me lose out of focus because of thinking about how Dayeul was doing in the clinic.


I woke up and saw someone sitting next to me. I squinted my eyes, I didn't know this person at all. I asked her where the hell am I as I try to sit up straight.

"Excuse me, where am I?"

"Your in the nurse's office."

"Can I ask? Who are you?"

"I am Lee HwaYoung, I was the girl Jeno was with. Jeno told me to go to the girl's comfort room to check on you, when I opened the door I saw you on the floor while Yura and the others were kicking and pulling your hair. Since I didn't know what to do I ran towards Jeno's classroom and told him what happened. We ran to the girl's comfort room and saw you at the floor very weak. Jeno faught with Yura while you passed out. Yura soon ran out of the door and Jeno carried you here in the nurse's office to get you patched up. I am here because Jeno told me to look after you since he was very worried."

"Thanks for taking your time to look after me."

"No problem."

"What's your relationship with Jeno anyways?"

"Were just cousins, 2nd cousins to be exact. Don't worry, I ship you with him anyways. NoYeul for the win."


"C'mon don't deny it."

"Whatever, let's get out of here already. I am really hungry"

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!"



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