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It was relatively nice for once on the day of March 12. The sun peeked through the gray clouds and basked everything in its warm rays, including me. Maybe I can get a tan, I thought, then snorted at myself. Yeah, in the UK? I don't think that's very realistic. I admired the green hills that stretched in front of my house as I sipped my freshly made tea. It seemed to be a lovely day thus far. That is, until I spotted my fairy frantically flying towards me.

"Good day, Pixie," I greeted the fairy as she landed on my arm. "What's gotten your nickers in a twist...?"

"There's someone coming," she reported, pointing into the distance. I followed her gaze to see someone on the horizon.


"I'm not sure; I haven't seen him before, but I think he's a country. He's blond, though, with blue eyes."

"That could be any number of countries. What else did he look like?" I interrogated.

"He was short... with a black cape and a hat."

"That is indeed peculiar... I don't think I've met this country. Wait... it's not Sealand is it?!" I suddenly realized, almost spilling my beverage.

"No. And I thought you said Sealand wasn't a country," Pixie replied.

"Well he's not, that's my point. Anyway, we'll just have to wait and see what this person wants," I concluded.

I took another sip of tea and Pixie zipped off to wherever she goes in the daytime. I watched as the unknown nation slowly got closer and finally neared the path in front of my house.

"Hallo," he greeted as soon as he was close enough.

I nodded and put my teacup down carefully on the saucer.

"Uh, could-a you tell me where I am-a?" Judging by his voice, he was... Italian?

"You're in London."

"Wait, I'm in Great Britain, then?"

"Yes...." How could someone not know where London was? Better yet, how did they not know which country they were in?

"How-a did I get all-a the way over here-a ?" he mused.

"Who are you, anyway?" I asked.

"Oh, sorry, I'm-a Holy Rome. Anyway, I'd-a better be off-a to see Austria then-a."

I turned around as he started to depart, saying, "Wait... Holy...?" But he was already gone. "What the? Where'd he go?!"

My fairy appeared once more.

"Did you see where he went?" I said, receiving a shake of her head. "You saw him though, didn't you? I'm not just seeing things...?"

"Of course you're not seeing things; you're perfectly sane, England~" she answered.

I turned back around in confusion and instinctively reached for my tea.

It was a long way from Britain to Austria, but Holy Rome somehow found himself there in half a day. He was still exhausted, of course, but he was there in Vienna, right outside the manor where he thought Austria probably still lived. Approaching the door, he was about to ring the bell, but paused to think of what he was going to say.

Before he could even reach for the doorbell again, the door flew open to reveal Austria.

"Stupid dog, I'll-!" He halted mid sentence and looked down onto his doorstep. "Vhat...? Holy Rome? Is zhat you?" he asked in bewilderment.


"Zhat makes no sense. Is zhis one of Prussia's tricks?"

"No, it's-a really me. Don't-a ask how I got-a here, because I-a really have-a no idea."

Austria was so confused. How could the Holy Roman Empire be here? He died... France killed him. Was he an imposter? "Come inside," was all he said and allowed the little nation into the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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