He is gay!

338 21 15

Someone's going to look at the title of this and be so confused so I'm sorry XD

Non equestrian: "oh one of my friends has a girl horse so maybe u can breed ur horses..."

Equestrian: "ok first of all, my horse is a gelding, second of all, my horse is gay!"

Non equestrian: "how can a horse be gay?!"

Equestrian: "can be what he wants!"

Non equestrian: "this is a thing?"

Equestrian: *continues yelling about gay horses*

Am I on drugs... i am so confused as to why I am writing this, I just wanted to make something gay on here and it turned out like this... SEND HELP! 😂

Equestrian and non equestrian at the barnWhere stories live. Discover now