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{third person}

jungwoo walked into the wong home out of breath. excluding all the dancing he did, he was quite out of shape. the house was beautiful. pictures of the wong family were all over. a couch and a loveseat were in the living room, with a table in the middle. as jungwoo began walking through the living room to sneak baby pictures he received a text from chenle.


new message from uwukins dolphin brother!

uwukins dolphin brother:

shister jungwoo!! our sisters room is upstairs next to lucas!!!


chenle sent the text with a smirk on his face as him and his brother walked into the home. jungwoo was upstairs once he only noticed three doors. two bedrooms and a bathroom.

'strange', he thought.

'maybe chenle and their sister share a room'

"find anything sister jungwoo?!", dolphin boy yelled up the stairs. lucas hit the boy and he began laughing... or should i say screeching.

"WONG YUKHEI!", jungwoo sceamed.

"yes jungwoo?", he replied as he walked up the stairs and into his hallway.

"where's your sisters room?", the boy asked.

"ummm, idonthaveasister", he spit out.

"FINALLY, YOU TOLD HIM NOW MAKE OUT ALREADY", chenle shouted from downstairs while making his way upstairs.

the two boys were fluttered by the words. jungwoo was blushing while lucas gave chenle the stare of death. if chenle was joking, now would be the PERFECT time.

but he wasn't.


{time skip to uwu time}

"i'm still mad at you lucas", the older pouted. lucas couldn't do anything. he already said sorry forty times. but jungwoo wasn't giving up. his act was gonna stay for a while, because jungwoo wanted to milk the situation. he was finally going to do 'it'. and by it he meant flirt with lucas. he had to atleast try. lucas promised he wouldn't hurt him, and he had his suspicions.

lucas' door opened to reveal a wild chenle. "lucas~~~, i invited the gayz over for a sleepover", he said. "really?! it's about time we had a sleepover!", jungwoo said clapping like a seal.

"jungwoo but i wanted to have you to my-", the younger caught himself. 'not yet', he thought. not yet.

"anyways, they'll be here in like ten so get ready! ciao!", the boy blew a kiss at lucas and walked away.

"lucaseuuuuu, do you have somethiiing you want to tell me?", the older did aegyo. 'god if he does that again i'm gonna attack him', lucas thought.

"not yet", lucas said. "not yet"

for him. | luwooHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin