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11:20 pm // kim residence


{jungwoo pov}

i found myself pacing back in forth in my room. please tell me he isn't really doing this. i can't let this happen. what if my mom finds him, she's gonna think we're dating. well i wouldn't mind dating lucas, to be fairly honest.



open your door junguwu

[read 11:21pm]


god this is really it isn't it.

"jungwoo, wtf i told you answer the door!"

"YAH! how'd you get in here?!"

"i said i was going to break in didn't i? plus, you took too long"

i looked down at my phone and read the timestamp.

"liam, i read it a minute ago..."

"well, that's too long", he said with his hands in  his pockets, "and i really wanted to see you".

lucas... he wanted to see me? why me? i'm just boring, shy, reserved jungwoo. if anything, i thought he'd want to stay away from me. but his presence makes me want to be the opposite.

lucas made steps towards me and i felt my heart pounding. "jungwoo, look at me when i talk." i shook my head no, still looking down at my hands. he sat down next to me on my bed, and extended his arm towards me and lifted my chin up. "jungwoo talk to me, what's wrong?"

he wouldn't have asked if my eyes weren't watery. am i crying? i couldn't feel anything anymore. it's like my body was shutti-



{lucas pov}



i heard myself crying out his name in fear of what happened.

suddenly, his room door opened with a very tired woman in its doorway. she saw me and then looked at jungwoo who was on the floor, passed out.

"jungwoo is fine, he just passed out. the doctors says it happens when he has a panic attack, or is thinking too much, or when he's feeling too many emotions at once."

"thank god", i muttered.

"what was happening in here? and who are you?"

she took a long time to study my face, until it looked like a lightbulb flickered in her mind.

"are you the guy that was outside with my son earlier?"

"yeah actually", i giggled because she remembered me.

"you like him... don't you?"

how did she know? i've been here for five minutes. was i that obvious?

i nodded my head, and started blushing. i knew it had only been a day, but i felt like i had to protect jungwoo... no matter what.

"i'm lucas", i said as i put my hand out, in hopes she'd shake it back. "you can call me mom", she said shaking my hand.

she really is letting me call her mom? that'll make jungwoo mad, noted.

"um, i should get going it's late."  i got up and began walking out the door until jungwoo's mom called me.

"hey lucas, can you put jungwoo in bed please? i don't have the strength to pick him up", she said as she rubbed her nape.

i turned around and picked jungwoo up and placed him in his bed. he looked so peaceful sleeping. i should sleepover sometime.

jungwoo's mom guided me on my way out of the house, and once i was out the door she shut it.

god, i guess i did uwu hard tonight.

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