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{third person}

lunch was over, and soon school was over. the chilly autumn day was coming to an end as lucas and jungwoo walked to their homes. lucas had a plan. well, the plan.

"hey jungwoo, do you wanna go get ice cream?", the younger said. jungwoo immediately stopped in his tracks. the hot and clear tears streaming down his face in an instant. 'do i say something or do i just pretend i'm ok', the shy boy thought. lucas kept walking not noticing that the older was behind him crying. in fact he was just looking at his feet, to scared of what would happen if he looked at him.

he had to look at him at least once. lucas brought his eyes to his left only to find no jungwoo. 'where is he?', he thought. lucas turned around to find jungwoo frozen in his tracks crying.

immediately, lucas felt himself running to him. "jungwoo whats wrong?", he didn't understand why he was crying or what he said to make him cry. the only time they talked the whole way was when he asked to go get ice cream.

did he not like ice cream that much?

but the older simply shook his head no and began walking again.


as the two approached their homes jungwoo tried speaking but he couldn't get any words out. lucas turned on the sidewalk to get into his home but jungwoo grabbed his wrist.


lucas looked at the latter in confusion but was dragged into jungwoo's home by jungwoo himself. jungwoo lead lucas into his room and closed the door. he whipped out his phone and began typing. lucas couldn't believe that he got dragged into the home by a crying jungwoo only to be neglected.



(1) new message!

junguwu: please stay here until my mom gets here, please. she'll explain everything to you.


jungwoo: hi mom, lucas is here. he brung up ice cream. please explain when you get here. i'm taking a nap, i love you.

mom: oh god


lucas looked at jungwoo in confusion but felt relieved the latter wasn't mad at him. the boy just wanted to treat jungwoo, but he guess it didn't work out.

jungwoo went into his closet and after a few minutes came out in his pajamas. 'he looks so soft i should cuddle him, UWUUUUUUUUU', lucas thought. but could he put his thoughts to actions?


jungwoo fell into his bed and wrapped himself in his blankets. and fell asleep.

"i'm gonna take a nap lucas, m-make yourself at home"


aaaaaaaah, this tea. HOT. also blackpink comeback on june 15th!!! the gays are getting fed in june 🌈💟💖💜💗❣️

for him. | luwooNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ