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Connor's P.O.V:
I woke up in the hospital and look around to see Evan. "Connor thank God your okay!" he kissed me.
"half okay, " I mumbled.
He held my hand with a squeeze.
He smiled.
I smiled weakly back.
My gut and shoulder was in pain.
"I want to kill that bastard Jared, " I mumbled.
"I took care of him Con, " Evan said with a grin.
I smiled at him as he kissed me. " I love you, Connie, " he said.
"I love you more, " I said smiling.
"I love you more than trees, " Evan held my hand.
"you always win, " I chuckled.
As my breathing became weak. I knew I was going to die.
"Connor, are you gonna be okay?" he asked me as I feel myself become weak.
"y-yeah, " I said.
The lights were dim.
"Listen, baby, I love you and without you, I couldn't have made it without I would still take drugs I love you no matter what I don't know what is do without you, " I said holding his hand.
"CONNOR PLEASE SAY THAT!" he said with sobs.
The light faded again he kisses me again. "without you, I would have killed myself again, " he kissed me again.
"i.love.you.with.all.my.heart, " I breathe out.
"I love you too, " he hugged me.
I gave him a rough kiss he moaned I enjoyed his moan. We let go and smiled as I let out my last breath.
Evan's P.O.V:
Connor went flattened I sobbed laying my head on his bed. Tears fell down my cheeks I was still holding his hand.
"I love you, " a familiar voice came from behind.
I turn to see Connor. Connor in ghost form.
"I love you too, " I said.
He disappeared.
I cried again. Walking out and drove home to go upstairs I took his hoodie and put it on. My mom was asleep so I went to bed crying myself to sleep.

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