Don't do it

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Connor's P.O.V:
My nose hurt like hell I guess I'm a huge disappointment. Evan was seeping still so I decided to go to his bathroom and do something I promised myself I wouldn't cut. I cried I got distracted and cut half my arm I moaned in pain as I heard the door open. Shit. I forgot to lock the door Evan walked in and saw blood everywhere he gasped and ran over to me.
"C-Connor! Please don't do that!" Evan sobbed hugging me as I cried hugging back.
"I won't Ev! I won't!" I sobbed he got his mom and she fixes me up.
Evan's P.O.V:
I heard crying coming from the bathroom in my room I got up and open the door to see blood and Connor. He was in a corner looking at me I started to cry and ran up to Connor sobbing "C-Connor, please don't do that!" I sobbed harder hugging him.
"I won't Ev! I won't!" he held me tight I got my mom and she fixed him up. We cleaned the floor then went back to bed I held Connor tight he kissed my forehead and fell asleep.

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