Chapter 24

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Naruto POV
I looked in horror as I watched the lightning strike down on that girl. When it stopped every jonin and ANBU went down to the arena

I jumped down in the arena ignoring the calls from Sakura. "Ryuko!" I was in front of her as the ANBU picked her up to face me.

"What happened to you Ryuko?" I ask. "How could you leave like that for a month and come back without a word?"

"Naruto..." was the first word I heard come out of her mouth. "Help..." I was in shock. Help her from what? The ANBU dragged her to where I don't know.

I stood there tears threatening to fall out. I have to find out what happened with my sister. And quick.

The medics were carrying that girl away. She looked horrible. They said she could die any minute now. I left the arena and when I was running out I saw Shikamaru sitting on the stairs.

Ibiki POV
"She's in here, sir." One of the ANBU said to me. I walk into the room filled up with 25 ANBU. I walk up to the chained up Uzumaki.

I examined her and saw she was unconscious. I nodded to the ANBU with the bucket of water in their hand. The ANBU poured the water above the Uzumaki.

Uzumaki jumped up gasping for air. When she looked up at me she mumbled something. "What was that?" I walk closer to her.

"I said I'm gonna kill you all." She spat venom. I looked into her eyes and saw something different. I was about to question her until I felt the ground shake.

Ninja ran inside of the room. "Sir Ibiki! The Sand and Sound Village is attacking the Hidden Leaf!" I look to the Uzumaki.

"Move the subject to a high security room and make sure she doesn't get out. Your lives and the village depends on it."

I heard laughter and looked to the Uzumaki. "What is it?" I stood in front of her waiting for an answer. "Somebody..." I looked at her in confusion as she paused.

"Is going to die." We all stared at her in horror. "Take her out of here, now!" I ordered the ANBU and they took her to a highly secured spot.

Third Person POV
The ANBU took Ryuko to a holding where no one would be able to find her. They put 2 guards on duty as the others went to defeat the Sand and Sound Ninja.

But that was a terrible mistake.

Kabuto POV
"2 guards? That was a terrible decision." I say as I stab a kunai through one of the ANBU's chest. I opened the doors to where the Ryuko girl was being held.

I hold my kunai tight and remember Lord Orochimaru's orders. To let her go and report back to roof. I let her down and she fell limp.

"Hmph must've given her some type of dru-" I was cut off getting thrown to the wall.

As I was about to get up I felt a kunai against my neck. I looked up to see Ryuko with an evil smirk spreader across her face.

"Terrible mistake." She whispered into my ear. She rose her hand up with the kunai and was about to stab me, but before she could there was a crash.

She dropped the kunai and ran away leaving me. I should've killed her when I had the chance. She's going to create more chaos between Lord Orochimaru and I.

Damn brat.

Sasuke POV
"Chidori!" I yell as I use my last amount of chakra to fight Gaara and the others. "Haha! That did nothing you pest. Now it's time for you to die!"

Damn it! I can't move because of this curse mark. "No! Sasuke look out!" Sakura yelled. As Gaara was launching towards me, all I could think about was one person.

It was Ryuko.

But why do I think about her at a time like this? Why would she be the only one that I think of when I am about to die?

I hated her back at the ninja academy like everyone else. She was what I thought trash. But after that mission with Zabuza and Haku, I started to grow something for her.

Deep down in my chest she means something to me. I don't know what but it's killing me.

My thoughts were cut off when a red flash appeared above Gaara's head. It slammed him down into the tree below us which meant we were safe for now.

I look to Naruto and Sakura and see that their both in shock looking in a certain direction.

When I looked over I couldn't believe my eyes. She's here and alive.


I'm really really sorry for the late update. I've been really busy with sports and other things. I promise I'll try to update every week. I love you all. You all help me keep writing and you are the best! SEE YA IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!

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