Chapter 5

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When I went to sleep I was woken up by Naruto. He was jumping up yelling "I AM A NINJA! MEET YOUR FUTURE HOKAGE WORLD!" He actually woke me up at a great time because I woke up at 6:50 am. I went to get dressed because it was my last day at the academy finally.

When I got to the academy I sat in the back as usual watching all the fangirls surround Sasuke. Sakura and Ino were the main ones talking to Sasuke. Wait wasn't she denied by Sasuke yesterday.

Naruto got on top of the desk and stared at Sasuke. Then something had happened that I think everyone was shocked about. Sasuke and Naruto KISSED. When the girls were about to go beat up Naruto, Iruka sensei came inside. Naruto was saved.

Iruka came in announcing the team's for everyone. It was a three-man squad. "Team 7 is Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, and Ryuko Uzumaki." "Um... Iruka sensei isn't it a three-man squad which means only 3 people?" Sakura asked. "It was an order from Lord Hokage" Iruka sensei answered. Sakura turned to me and muttered "I blame you" and turned back around as if nothing had happened.

When it was time for lunch I went to the bench to eat my lunch. While I was eating, my food fell on the ground. I look up to see Sakura standing over me. "This is my spot, so get outta here." I didn't want to fight anybody, so I just stood up and walked away.

When I was walking to the academy Sasuke passed by me. I felt a tight grip on my hand, and I turn to Sasuke. "Where is Naruto?"  He seemed pretty angry. I look right back at him with anger in my eyes from his tight grip. "I dont know." I yank my wrist from his grip and walk away.

I stay in my classrom waiting for my teammates and sensei to walk in. I put my head down for 10 minutes thinking about the look in Sasukes eyes. Thats the same look the villagers give me too.

I put my head up to see Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura sitting down all the way in the front. After about a few hours our sensei finally arrives. When he walks in an eraser fell on top of his head. I wasnt really paying attention to anything until I heard "meet me on the roof top" from my sensei. I get up and walk to the door. While i am walking Sakura trips me. "Watch where your going stupid." I simply ignore her making her look like the stupid one.

When we get to the roof top, we see our sensei standing there reading a book. I sit down on he stairs and everyone follows. Our sensei puts up his book and looks at us.

"Alright let's introduce ourselves." "Um... what do you mean exactly." Of course her stupid ass would ask a question like that. "Like your name, likes, dislikes, and hobbies." "Maybe you should give us an example." I was really ready to kick Naruto upside his head. "My name is Kakashi Hatake. My likes and dislikes, I don't feel like telling you that. As for my hobbies... I have alot." Good introduction Kakashi.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, BELIEVE IT. My likes are Ichiraku Ramen. I hate the 3 minutes you have to wait after you cook it. My dream is to become hokage, then everybody will stop disrespecting Ryuko and I." "My Name is Sakura the person I like *giggles*, my hobbies are *giggles*, my dream is *giggles*. And I hate." Sakura looks dead at me. "Naruto and his freak sister." Naruto whines, I'm pretty sure he didn't notice what Sakura just said about me, but I just ignored her.  "Im Sasuke Uchiha. I like very few things, and hate alot of things. What I have is not a dream, it is a reality, I will kill a certain person." Everyone was quiet for a while it was kinda akward. Kakashi points his head towards me. "Now you." "I don't feel like saying anything." "At least say your name." I say in my emotionless tone of voice "Ryuko Uzumaki" Sakura snickers "a.k.a Tomato head." And this bubblegum looking ass bitch is really talking about me. "Alright, we will have a survival test to see if your really cut out for genin. Meet at the training grounds at 5:00am" I ignore the whole conversation that they have and once Kakashi sensei leaves I go to the training grounds.

When I get to the training ground I practice training with my katana. The 3rd hokage gave it to me. He said it was passed down from my clan.

When I get home Naruto runs up to me. "Finally Ryuko. I've been waiting for you to come home..." Wow that really is nice of him. "to make dinner." I definitely feel loved right now. I made instant ramen for him and not myself because I was pretty mad at Naruto.

I went to sleep and not even 5 minutes later Naruto jumps in the bed and falls asleep next to me.
Hey guys, sorry for not updating. But I got y'all so don't worry. Hope you guys actually liked this chapter. And comment and vote please.

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