2) Trust is a vunrable thing.

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In the beginning of high school (year7) I felt as though Lilly was acting strange like something was happening but when I tried to ask she would just change the subject and fiddle with her fingers.
As we got older everyone's talents started to shine (just not mine...) Christian was way more popular than me and as was Parker too ,  this was because they were always both top on everything, whenever the girls saw them the would act like Barbies and I can't really complain because I'm no better when I'm around Parker. Though Parker was popular apparently Christian is always just slightly more , I know this knowledge form the girls in my class there always blabbering and going on about them and although I have a crush on him I wouldn't do such things in public ; so that's why I try to stay out of the large groups of girls although Lilly would often drag me towards them.
Not only because of that but also because a majority of those girls are spiteful and gossipy and who knows what type of bazar rumours that could immediately spread around.

It was an average summer lunch and me and Lilly had different classes so we decided to meet up under the willow tree which was outside on the field , I felt insicure about being by myself at lunch as it was quite embarrassing and I felt the girls often eye me and by girls I'm talking about the ones who obsess over Christian and Parker and yes they have a name the normal drama queens/popular girls whatever really you want to call them.
There are a bunch of them who like my brother and honestly it makes me want to Vomit cause he's *my* brother and I'd hate it if he ends up with one of them , it's not that I hate them it's just I don't like them , I could be friends I mean I don't have beef with anyone and I could be possibly popular if I wanted because Christian the most popular boy in school is my brother. I waited for a while for Lilly to come and ended up watching the football team and this is obvious but one of the reasons why my brother is popular is because he is the first year7 to become captain of the football team already ! though Parker is co-captain which explains why I'm so hesitant to look over at them because if I see parker I'll probably lose any sense inside my body.

I rummaged through my bag for my lunch which I found eventually... I wondered after a few minutes where is Lilly as my eyes scanned the area when I realised that the drama queens had vanished from my sight. I wouldn't wait much longer so I got my lunch and was packing it in when I heard distant footsteps and someone shout out something to me , I didn't hear so turned my head towards the field to see what they want when it hit me.
Literally hit me , a ball.
My head swung backwards and I squinted my eyes I heard gasps , when it had been a second I rolled my head in place and felt a stinging sensation and something dribble down my lip and noise . Blood , it was blood .
I looked up to see the boys come towards me including Parker , this sounds oddly familiar wait it is it's from the day I first met Parker yet this time I'm more hurt.
Parker rushed towards me and I felt a wave of thoughts rush through my head in only a matter of time Parker's image of me will be destroyed... not that he even remotely had a decent image of me in his mind actually correction I probably don't even exist in there anyway rant over.

I tilted my head to let my hair fall into place and cover my face , I tried to get up but Parker's hands pushed me down as he held my shoulder tightly in his grip . He then got his finger close to my hair to try remove it but I became hesitant and tried to stop him by pushing his hand ; coming into contact with him and stupidly lifted my head so my green eyes would meet his beautiful blue caring shiny ones.

As soon as this happened I jumped up and ran towards the school doors , coming out of them was Lilly and the popular girls I didn't realise at first before looking back and also seeing Parker jog after me. I went right and turned right into a bathroom, bent over and exhaled deeply and got my breathing back into rhythm then my blood was dripping on the floor I turned to get some tissue before
Yes , screaming.
I saw a guy sitting on the toilet , he just glared at me but then the door behind me swung open and Parker appeared and chuckled ; got his breath back and began to speak.
"Gee for a girl you run fast" he stated in sarcasm and I rolled my eyes of the lack of hope he had in me "sexist..." I mumbled to myself but not realising he had heard before his laughter erupted and I looked up to see his bright big smile.

"Anyway why are there guys in the girls bathroom? Including you Parker." I said raising an eyebrow and smirking yet also mentally begging for an answer.
He smirks at me "don't get your hopes up... your in the boys bathroom, so your a guy now are you?" And with that I gasped and stormed out into the *girls bathroom, he followed leaning on the door outside and I went in and got some tissue put some water above it and gently patted away the blood and held in place where the scares were. I groaned when The door steady opened as Parker appears with a guilty expression on his face , he felt sympathy but it was only a bit of blood and patches although I can't deny that I was secretly overjoyed to see him so worried towards me.

When the most surprising thing happened.
Parker walked in the girls bathroom grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the girls bathroom muttering "I'm sorry..." I didn't understand why he would be so sorry anyone else in this school wouldn't have gave a poop but Parker was so caring about it and it made me feel like I was being a nuisance.
We came towards the heads of year (if your not sure what that is it's basically the teachers of school that deal with arguments , problems and people that are sick) before he knocked on the door I tugged away from the door and him saying "it's ok Parker I'm fine" my lips slightly turned upright but his didn't his eyebrows crumbled "no your not." And with his firm words I decided to shut up.
The teacher came out we explained the situation and she put badges on my lip and nose and all the while Parker stayed by my side , once she finished applying them on my bruises was when I did not notice we were missing lessons.
Me and Parker left and ran towards our lesson , when we abruptly walked in I couldn't help but feel tense and embarrassed when everyone saw me in such a state but at the same time I felt tense because I was with one of the most popular boys in our school and I knew that all the girls might have envied me a little as I saw all of them look in opposite directions when I looked at them or some intimidatingly looked me up and down luckily we soon took our seats and I bowed my head oddly when I looked at Lilly she completely ignored it. Maybe she's just really concentrating in the lesson but I saw one of the most popular girls named Vera whisper something into Lilly's ear.

Vera was the most popular girl in the school mainly she follows all the trends always wears what's in fashion and she's friends with most people just when she's unhappy about something then she's not so much of a nice person(let's just say that:) she's known to be the girl to couple up with Parker because apparently everyone thinks they look gorgeous together, this statement obviously irritates me.
Vera is pretty though she has shoulder length very blond platinum hair , it's so blond it's practically white , she has a slim body and is quite pale white , she has very light shiny crystal blue eyes that literally shimmer in the sunshine and she has very little freckles across her nose.

Finally it was the end of the day I ran straight towards the bathroom , when I was in the stale I heard very familiar voices though couldn't hear what they were saying , I could often hear there echoing wicked laughter, I waited till they left to come out when I saw Lilly's bracelet on the ground and I picked it up ; it was a best friend bracelet I gave her and we promised never to lose it. It must have been an accident.
When I walked out I was walking past the lockers when I heard to loud voices That seemed very very familiar so i tiptoed back and looked in the corner of the parted lockers to see Christian and Parker there fuming there faces were cold and almost frightening before Parker's voice arose "look mate if I like her I like her okay?" His voice was stern but calm yet it was easy to tell that wasn't a question.
Before the argument escalated they parted and I stayed there silent until everything seemed fine as I strolled to the entrance to leave the school.
Usually I would walk home with lily but I got an unexpected ding , I grabbed my phone out of my bag to see a text message from Lilly how ironic.
Lilly💘: not walking today.
I stared blackly at the message and then
I looked down the road to see a bundle of giggling girls including Lilly.
And that's how she lost my trust and also how I lost my first best friend and also how everything became chaotic.

Authors note: hey guys I hoped you enjoyed the second chapter we are finally starting to get into the story line.
What do u think Parker and Christian where arguing about ? Or why they were arguing?
And What's going on with Lilly? Why has she suddenly parted herself from Lura? I guess your just going to have to keep reading to find out 🤪 byeee!
Oh and also I would appreciate it a lot if u vote and comment on this book

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 12, 2018 ⏰

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