1) introduction :)

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Authors note: btw guys I edited this chapter so it has some different info I forgot to mention.
So make sure to read this chapter again please if you want to understand some things xx thanks

I can't believe today.
This one day changed everything, my aspects of everything and everyone I can't believe I never took notice of the commotion colliding all around me and it was all because i didn't understand,until my potential murder spelt it out for me.Your most likely rather confused well I have a lot of time to waste so why don't I go over my life story and how this day came.

My golden hair bounced up and down from my shoulders when I froze and gripped my brother Christians hand lightly in mine as he turned to give me a encouraging embrace and I delightedly returned it as his minty smell intoxicated my vanilla (or so I was told) sent.
He knew I struggled with being overly nervous at the young age six so going to a whole new school is a really alarming challenge.
Mom and dad spoke to the doctor and he said if I recall correctly that I have whats called anxiety, because at the time I was only six my parents believed it was too much hassle and stress to tell such things to make me worry more , I already kind of knew anyway so it wasn't a big deal when they told me later on.
Me and my brother Christian are closer than usual brother and sister but we still exasperated each other now and again like normal kids do.Christian has brunette hair that's messy and lightly tanned skin and he has light freckles across his nose and a sharpe mouth line his eyes are the opposite of mine and are dashing grey blue colour , he's one year older than me but was still put in the same year group as me , mom and dad persuaded the head teacher a little to do so that Christian can look out for me.

My old primary school was alright but I don't remember much and i didn't make much friends although I'll always remember the time where I was getting bullied by this geeky stupid older kid when Christian saw this he got protective and started to have a fight with him but turns out that geeky kid is pretty good at boxing due to his background , so he pinned him down and started punching him repeatedly for me a six year old this was frightening to see real blood and there eyes filled with such darkness and the adrenaline popping out of his veins.
I remembering started to shake uncontrollably and passed out for a bit , I know it's a pretty silly thing to pass out because of but seeing the person you admire get hurt makes your heart ace as there's nothing you can do.
Later on at the hospital I sat on the bed and Christian sat on the side he started saying why I got scared and then said
"I'm here. And ill always be no matter what" .

Anyway back to me and Christian starting a new school , as we walked in Christian confidently introduced himself whereas I stood there like a statue when I actually formed a sentence it was full of much stuttering which I'm sure sounded like gibberish.
The moment I looked around the class room one particular boy caught my attention , his mesmerising shiny bright Kristal blue eyes , his tanned slim body his sharp jaw line and his light brown wavy hair ; I couldn't stop staring at him so much that when she asked us to sit down I tripped and stumbled to his feet.
I shyly looked up to see his stunning light blue eyes glare into my boring big green ones.
It felt like hours when I looked into them until the teachers voice rose in my ear and I instantly sat up straight feeling a whoosh of unknown feeling enter me and all day I felt like a red tomato.
That same day Christian and the boy became friends and soon best friends , they'd always eat together play football together and other stuff too but I was left in the shadow watching not having a friend .
One night Christian invited the boy over the house for dinner I learnt that his name is Parker I remember being so nervous hardly saying a word which was actually okay as everyone was chatting away anyway whilst I glared at my roast dinner I remember clearly Christian and Parker where kicking each other under the table (I don't know why hehe) then suddenly Parker's foot reaches me and slides all down my leg which shoots tingles in me I didn't realise that just his touch could do that to a seven year old ( yeah this is a year later) i looked up to see Parker look down at his food as if concentrating lot i had the urge to kick him gently back doing the same motion he did to me and he looked up and grinned a blinding grin at me and I blushed and gave a warm smile back , although we talked together sometimes they'd often play video games and I never had the confidence to ask so stayed in the background. I couldn't help but notice that Parker always walked home by himself and not once had I seen or heard about him and his family which at the time I didn't think about but actually is a very unusual thing I should have taken thought of.
I thought I'd stay lonely but to my delight after I had a short quick conversation with Parker it was Pe I was about to be left alone and Parker was about to call me over yes meee when a girl walked up to me and introduced herself she sounded cute and was short with straight black shoulder length hair she has dark green eyes and light skin with visible freckles across her small nose we soon became friends but even at that age I noticed she was way more popular than me as she hanged out with a group of girls but I however decided to cut myself from them but I appreciated having just one friend than no friends and we soon become close good friends and shared everything.

But I guess as the saying goes :
all good things must come to an end.
And that's exactly what happened...

Authors note~heyyy guys so a new story! Sorry if it's a little bit boring but I wanted the introduction to be detailed enough so you know good information as the story progresses.
Also some of you may know I had another book but unfortunately I am ending it instead we have a whole new book , it's with the same characters but different story content.
So sorry I made this long😂 hope you enjoyed

I'm here.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें